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I Heard My Blessed Savior Say

Brian L. Penney, 2011 Ich Singe Dir, Frankfurt, 1738

1.I 2.I 3.I 4.I 5.Come

heard heard heard heard all

my my my my you

bless bless bless bless peo

ed ed ed ed ple

Sav Sav Sav Sav on

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say, say, say, say, Day,

"Come "Come "Be "Come Give

un to list en hold, O to the thanks with

Me to thirst Feast joy

and My y I ful

rest; Word; soul; give; praise;

Take If This With To

on your you shall Liv ing Bread of Fath er,

self heed Wa life Son,

My My ter and and

eas grac is Wine Ho

y ious for of ly

yoke, Law, you, joy, Ghost,

Come, and Your life Come, drink Come eat, Who bless

you shall and and es

shall be be re be made drink, and all our

blessed." stored." whole." live." days.


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