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uescrlpLlon of Lhe company and producL of research

1 MoLlvaLlon and 8ackground of roblem/CpporLunlLy
8rlef descrlpLlon of Lhe general problem/opporLunlLy roblem ueflnlLlon
8eason for conducLlng research (Slgnlflcance of Lhe sLudy)
2 Secondary daLa on Lhe lndusLry/scenarlo or daLa from focus groups/prellmlnary lnLervlews whlch
hlghllghLs Lhe problem/opporLunlLy and suggesLs Lhe lmporLance of Lhe problem/opporLunlLy belng
2 Cb[ecLlves of Lhe SLudy
SLaLe ob[ecLlves
Scope of pro[ecL (boundarles of research)
Speclflc hypoLheses
3 8esearch ueslgn and uaLaCollecLlon MeLhodology
Cholce of 8esearch ueslgn (!usLlflcaLlon)
1ypes of prlmary daLa requlred Lo address Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe markeLlng research
Cholce of uaLaCollecLlon meLhodology (!usLlflcaLlon)
LvaluaLlon of Lhe selecLed approaches (of Lhe research deslgn daLa collecLlon meLhod) versus
alLernaLlve approaches (SLrengLhs and Weaknesses)
4 MeasuremenL lnsLrumenLs
CuesLlonnalre (lnclude resulLs of preLesLs of Lhe lnsLrumenL)
CbservaLlon (MysLery Shopper)
ersonal lnLervlews
locus Croups
3 Sampllng SLraLegy
uescrlbe characLerlsLlcs of populaLlon of lnLeresL and Lhe sample
Sampllng meLhod and slze (!usLlflcaLlon)
6 uaLa Analysls and 8esulLs
7 ulscusslon of Lhe resulLs ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe hypoLheses
8 oLenLlal LlmlLaLlons of Lhe SLudy and dlscusslon of poLenLlal flndlngs

1. ntroduccin de la empresa.
2. Planteamiento Del Problema de nvestigacin de Mercado.
2.2. Cuadro del proceso de definicin del problema (desarrollo del enfoque).
2.3. Justificacin del problema/oportunidad de la nvestigacin de mercado.
2.4. Objetivo Gerencial.
2.4.1. Objetivos Especficos.
3. Diseo de la nvestigacin. (Justificacin)
3.1. Fuentes De nformacin.
3.1.1. Primarias.
3.1.2. Secundarias.
3.2. Mtodo Utilizado Para Recolectar nformacin Primaria.
3.2.1. Diseo De Cuestionario
3.2.2. Diseo De La Encuesta
4. Diseo de la Muestra
4.1. Definicin De La Poblacin
4.1.1. Poblacin
4.1.2. Unidad De Muestreo
4.1.3. Tipo de muestreo.
5. Anlisis de datos
6. Presentacin de los datos.
7. Conclusiones y recomendaciones

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