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Waiting for the Good News

What is the season of Advent about? Waiting/Preparing, Anticipation/Expectation

Waiting for what? Christmas, the celebration of the birth, the first coming of Jesus

But our scripture today is about a different Advent, a Second Advent, a second coming of Our
Lord & Savior Jesus Christ

Contrast to First Advent - preparing to celebrate his first coming - humbly, as a child
vs. His return - with great power and glory

This and other scriptures promise us a second coming.

Christ’s Return in other scriptures

Matt. 24:30

Luke 21:27

John 14:3

Acts 1:6-11

Why should we have confidence in Christ’s “Imminent” return when it has been so long?

Habakkuk 2:1-3

What should the promise of Christ’s return do for us?

Help us to find the hope & courage in the face of difficult times.

What should we be doing while we wait?

Beware, keep alert, be on watch, keep awake

Active Waiting: Looking, Listening, Giving Attention. Attention to what?

Luke 12:35-36

Romans 13:11-14

Rev. 3:3

Fig Facts
Fig Tree is mentioned in more than 50 times in the Bible starting with the fig leaves sowed
together by Adam and Eve to hid their nakedness.

First Buds in February, about 2 months before the first leaves in late April

Fig trees & vines often mentioned together

The expression “sitting under one’s own vine and fig tree” as in 1 Ki. 4:25, Micah 4:4 and Zec.
3:10, symbolizes peaceful, prosperous & secure conditions.

Used for food & medicine (2 Ki. 20.7)

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