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TEMA DE CONTROL 1 1. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 2. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Put the verbs in the correct tense: I (to get up) at 7.30 every morning.

We always (to eat) breakfast together. Mother (to drive) me to school every day. My father usually (to go) to work by bus. On Mondays I (to arrive) home at 13.30. Come and make the coffee! The water (to boil). Somebody (to wait) for you in the hall. Ann (to read) an interesting fairy tale to her little brother. The children (to play) together in their room. What Sarah (to do)? I think she (to sleep). Put the following sentences into interrogative: I like classical music very much. They live in small houses. Bob drinks tea every morning. You always carry an umbrella. He usually gets up at 7 oclock. She is looking at the children. The birds are flying over the sea. Paul is reading a newspaper. I am reading an interesting novel. He is laughing at your anecdote

3. Put the following sentences into negative: a. My friend always comes here on Sundays. b. You usually forget about his birthday. c. He often reads poems. d. I go to work by car. e. They always eat a lot of pudding. f. Her grandfather is digging and her grandmother is feeding the chickens now. g. She is washing the dishes while her husband is mending the car. h. He is drinking a cup of coffee. i. The girls are watching an interesting movie. j. The boys are swimming in the sea. 4. Answer the following questions in a sentence: a. What is your name? f. What do you do on Sundays? b. Where do you work? g. How often do you watch TV? c. How old are you? h. What kinds of books do you read? d. Where do you live? i. What do you study?

e. What sports do you do? 5. Translate into English:

j. What kind of music do you like?

a. La ce or se deschide de obicei acest magazin? b. De ce conduci ntotdeauna att de repede? c. Ce fac copiii? Cred c se joac n camera lor. d. Ann i face tema de cas iar fratele ei mai mic se joac n cealalt camer. e. El in fiecare diminea merge la coal cu maina. f. Unde este cinele? Cred c doarme sub umbrel. g. John ntotdeauna mi spune bancuri bune. h. Ei adesea se ntlnesc n faa casei noastre. i. Tatl meu citete ziarul iar mama gtete. j. nc mai vorbeti la telefon? Da, am ceva important de discutat cu sora mea.

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