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Grutas de Garcia ______ Grutas de Garcia, located in the state of Nuevo Leon 12 kilometers from the town of Garcia.

These natural wonders were discovered on June 25, 1843, by the village priest Juan Antonio Sobrevilla, during one of his country walks. These caves were hidden inside the Friar hill at an altitude of 1,110 meters above sea level, though experts say that these originated in the ocean, a fact explained by the presence of shells and snails petrified stuck in some rocks and walls of the cave. Since its discovery many excursions were made to understand the gaps and climbing caves by torchlight illuminating. Over 100 years after its discovery in 1948, was the Lions who promoted the installation of electricity in the interior of the caves, the installation of stairs, railings, and the construction of a cable car ascent to the cave.

I liked to visit this place the place is great I liked the food and the place .

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