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HERMIT The infamous of light tongue call me hardhearted hermit because I always walk alone because I move free

of humans Because I dont go to reunions Im hermit or ascetic that for. Theyre right I am and will be lonely away of evil humans beings because theyre congested of envies flooded with grief, upsets, and treasons warehouses of terrible vibrations infested with tons of perversity. But Im not ever really alone because I talk with the beautiful flowers I chat with the luscious plants I dance under the refreshing cool rain. I I I I I hug with the noble trees cherish with the melodic wind sooth myself with the singing sea have intense dates with the sea waves melt with the cool and golden sand.

Im never, never, never lonely because I talk with the silver moon with the torrid sun I hug with the stars, amazed I laugh I cover my self with the splendid night. Theyre wrong Im not a hermit because I never find my self alone I fly in the wings of the albatross I chat with the singing whales I rock with the dancing dolphins with colorful birds I sing along. With the milky way I constantly talk in communion with God I always am I travel happy and content with life. Am I Hermit? Never. Free of evil humans. Free of envies, bad vibrations and treasons. Interweaved with the magnanimous universe I am. And Im really, really in love with my love. ROGELIO AROS GUZMN

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