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CS410 Exercises 3 Name_________________________________________ 1) Consider a logical address space of 32 pages of 1,024 words each, mapped onto a physical memory

of 16 frames. a. How many bits are there in the logical address?

b. How many bits are there in the physical address?

2) On a system with paging, a process cannot access memory that it does not own. Why? How could the operating system allow access to other memory?

3) What is the purpose of paging the page tables? 4) Assuming a page table of 4MiB, how many pages are addressable in a 32-bit addressing scheme? How many bits will be required to address a page? How much memory space will a page table take? How many bits will be required to address a byte in a page?

5) Under what circumstances do page faults occur? Describe the actions taken by the operating system when a page fault occurs.

6) What is the purpose of virtual memory with hard drive swapping?

For the next three questions, diagram the page replacements and determine the total number of page faults for each algorithm assuming the physical memory is only contains 3 frames and the reference page string is: 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 1 3 4 1 7) FIFO

123124121341 8) OPR

9) LRU


What is the copy-on-write feature, and under what circumstances is it beneficial to use this feature?


Assume that we have a demand-paged memory. The page table is held in registers. It takes 8 milliseconds to service a page fault if an empty frame is available or if the replaced page is not modified and 20 milliseconds if the replaced page is modified. Memory-access time is 100 nanoseconds. Assume that the page to be replaced is modified 70 percent of the time. What is the maximum acceptable page-fault rate for an effective access time of no more than 200 nanoseconds?

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