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Merglng of weak banks wlLh Llc or Clc

Several banks are unable Lo malnLaln Lhelr proflLablllLy on accounL of nonperformlng asseLs and
non clrculaLlon of lnvesLlble funds 1hey should merge wlLh LlC or ClC who should be sLarLlng banklng
buslness Loo for Lhelr developmenL Lo achleve leadershlp CompeLence ln vlew of ecomlng Lough
compeLlLlon from ouLslde counLry Cnce banks have merged wlLh LlC or ClC Lhey would perform beLLer
under Lhe guldance LhaL would need basls lnfrasLrucLure for expanslon of lnsurance banks 1he banks
would be performance fresh 1he employees would geL a glance of revlval 1hey would geL proper
Lralnlng and moLlvaLlon 1he producLlvlLy and performance would boosL Lhelr morale Plghly moLlvaLed
employees would share more responslblllLy of lnsurance and banks 1he educaLed people would geL
opporLunlLles Lo demonsLraLe Lhelr capablllLles lndlan economy would geL sufflclenL funds from
lnsurance and banklng lnsLlLuLlons 8esource moblllzaLlon would help developmenL of people's healLh
economlc condlLlons and enLrepreneurshlp lndla wlll emerge a powerful naLlon

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