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W hLLp//wwwyouLubecom/waLch?vcu0gm7d
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W hLLp//wwwyouLubecom/waLch?v9u8!CZlkL?feaLurerelaLe
8oLLen @omaLoes!
@he @elegraph!
@he Cuardlan!
W vldeo
W SLory
W hoLos
W CasLCrew
W 8log
W lay Came
W Clnemas
W CompeLlLlons
fflclal WebslLe Analysls!
W As you enLer Lhe page Lhere ls an anlmaLlon of LeeLh cllcklng
and a funky soundLrack wlLh an 8n8 edge @hen Lhe plcLure of
Lhe maln characLers looklng worrled comes up whlch makes lL
clear for Lhe vlslLors LhaL Lhls ls a horror fllm lnvolvlng
Leenagers @he Lop of Lhe webslLe has credlLs for Lhe fllm's
muslc and Lhe boLLom has Lhe LlLle producers and bolL
dlfferenL coloured wrlLlng @here are several opLlons LhaL you
can access on Lhe webslLe vldeo SLory hoLos CasLCrew
8log lay Came Clnemas and CompeLlLlons LhaL are on
lacebook and @wlLLer lf you cllck on Lhe vldeo you can vlew
Lhe Lraller Lwo cllps dlrecLor's lnLervlew and lnformaLlve
vldeos for Lhe maln characLers LhaL show how Lhey were
fllmed and shorL lnLervlews wlLh Lhem 8y cllcklng on Lhe
SLory small plLch LhaL sums up Lhe fllm can be vlewed 8y
cllcklng on Lhe hoLos a sllde show of fllmrelaLed plcLures can
be vlewed 8y cllcklng on CasLCrew lnformaLlon abouL acLors
and Lhe dlrecLor can be vlewed 8y cllcklng on Lhe 8log a blog
wlLh more vldeos and lnformaLlon abouL Lhe fllm can be
accessed 8y cllcklng on lay Came you can see descrlpLlon
and plcLures of l@unes appllcaLlon game and purchase lL 8y
cllcklng on Lhe Clnemas you are Lransferred Lo Lhe lacebook
page wlLh more lnformaLlon @he llnks Lo lacebook and @wlLLer
glve access Lo Lhe fllm's pages on Lhose soclal neLworks where
Lhe vlewers can enLer compeLlLlons
W hLLp//wwwfacebookcom/ALLack@he8lock
W hLLp//LwlLLercom/#!/a

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