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8ulLulnC nLW vALuL

8CCSl1lCnS A1 Zu8lCP
llnAnClAL SL8vlCLS
SnLPA (19037)
Zurlch ls one of Lhe world's largesL lnsurance groups and
one of Lhe few Lo operaLe on a Lruly global basls 1helr
mlsslon ls Lo help cusLomers undersLand and proLecL
Lhemselves from rlsk
W WlLh over 60000 employees servlng cusLomers ln more
Lhan 170 counLrles Lhey asplre Lo become Lhe besL
global lnsurer as measured by Lhelr shareholders
cusLomers and employees
W 1hey offer a wlde range of general and llfe lnsurance
producLs and servlces for lndlvlduals small buslnesses
mldslzed and large companles and mulLlnaLlonal
corporaLlons 1hey have sLrong poslLlons ln norLh
Amerlca and Lurope and growlng poslLlons ln Asla
aclflc Lhe Mlddle LasL and LaLln Amerlca
lC8MluA8LL l8AMLWC8k
W 1o ensure a proflLable cusLomer base and hlgh
quallLy ouLcomesZlS has devlsed a framework
for developlng new proposlLlons
W 1he value proposlLlon framework conslsL of a
serles of flve processes
W CC8L 8CCSl1lCn uLvLLCMLn1 lunC1lCn
W uLvLLC 8CCSl1lCn
W MA8kL1 1LS1lnC
W 8LvlLW 8CCSl1lCn
W CC8L 8CCSl1lCn uLvLLCMLn1 lunC1lCnlL ls lnlLlal process
whlch ls concerned wlLh Lhe deLall speclflcaLlon of Lhe proporLlon Lo
be developed lL normally lnvolved cross funcLlonal collaboraLlon and
some consLlLuLe sub process
W It |nc|udes
W ueflne proposlLlonLurnlng Lhe ouLllne buslness opporLunlLy lnLo an
arLlculaLed speclflcaLlon coverlng producL servlce dlsLrlbuLlon
communlcaLlon and prlclng
W 8uslness case evaluaLlon deLermlnlng Lhe buslness raLlonale for Lhe
deflned proposlLlon lncorporaLlng a flnanclal evaluaLlon
W 8esearch led LesLlng uslng varlous LesL meLhods such as focus groups
and cusLomer surveys Lo examlne one or more aspecLs of a
prospecLlve value proposlLlon
W uLvLLC 8CCSl1lCn lL wlll vary ln scope and conLenL
dependlng on Lhe proposlLlon buL may lnclude developlng or
amendlng buslness process l1 sysLem Lralnlng maLerlal
markeLlng maLerlal and producL llLeraLure
W MA8kL1 1LS1lnC 1hls process lnvolves offerlng Lhe
developed value proposlLlon Lo a represenLaLlve selecLlon of
LargeL cusLomers ln a conLrolled way ln order Lo LesL speclflc
aspecL of lL
W LAunCP SLClllCA1lCn 1hls ls a process of maklng Lhe
value proposlLlon avallable Lo cusLomers on full scale basls
Lhese lncludes Lralnlng and llcenslng dlsLrlbuLlon produclng
and dlsLrlbuLlng llLeraLure lmplemenLlng l1 sysLems and
equlpplng and managlng admlnlsLraLlon
W 8LvLlW 8CCSl1lCn1hls revlew process ls carrled ouL
once for each proposlLlon aL an agreed perlod of Llme afLer
W ZlS ln Lhe process of LesLlng a couple of value proposlLlons
developed on Lhe basls
W ZlS ls able Lo offer an lnLegraLed soluLlon LhaL [olnLly
addresses boLh concerns ln a slmple sLralghLforward
W lor Lhe famlly segmenL Zurlch ls developlng a readlly
avallable soluLlon whlch offers cusLomlzed flexlblllLy
W 1he wlnnlng feaLure of ZlS ls cusLomer focus meLhodology
where Lhey ask Lo cusLomer LhaL whaL really Lhey wanL
based on Lhls Lhey declde Lhelr declslons
W lrom prevlous analysls ZlS learns LhaL cusLomer don'L wanL
only whole range of producLs buL requlres soluLlon LhaL are
perLlnenL Lo llves and needs
W lramework recognlze Lhe speclflc requlremenL of speclflc
W Lmphaslzed on Lhe lLeraLlve naLure of value (value can be
Lallored augmenLed and lmproved ) Lhe framework
conslder Llme
W ZlS's malnly focus on bulldlng value proposlLlon ln more
formallzed and sLralghL manner for Lackllng more
compeLlLlve challenges

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