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24 reasons why l LCvL ?

1 l can be myself when l'm wlLh you
2 ?ou love me even wlLh my faulLs
3 Lven when l'm grumpy you sLlll llke me
4 ?ou leL me glve you a deLalled descrlpLlon of how l spenL my day
3 8ecause you make me fell llke l've never felL before
6 When you hold me LlghL everyLhlng becomes alrlghL
7 ?ou know how Lo brlng smlle Lo my face
8 When l need Lo cry you lend me your shoulder and your handkerchlef
9 When you llsLen l know you're really llsLenlng and noL [usL walLlng for your Lurn Lo Lalk
10 When you're around everyLhlng's fun
11 ?ou undersLand me even when l'm sobblng
12 ?ou aL leasL preLend you're golng Lo do whaL l suggesL
13 ?our love glves me Lhe feellng LhaL Lhe besL ls sLlll ahead
14 ?ou never glve up on meand LhaL's whaL keeps me golng
13 lor your senslLlvlLy and supporL
16 ?our Lerrlflc sense of humor you know how Lo make me laugh
17 l love you because you brlng ouL Lhe besL of me
18 ?ou always know [usL how Lo spoll me
19 l llke sharlng crazy Llmes wlLh you because you add Lhe splce Lo my llfe
20 l feel so aL ease ln your arms
21 All Lhe llLLle Lhlngs you do makes such a blg dlfference ln llfe
22 1he sofLness of your volce ls llke a saLln on my soul
23 ?ou've seen me aL my worsL and you sLlll love me
24 ?ou're someone l can be goofy wlLh
23 Whenever l need lL mosL you're Lhere wlLh your allpurpose hugs
O 1here are endless reason why l love you buL Lhe mosL lmporLanL one ls knowlng ?Cu ls
lovlng ?Cu

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