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oiiici oi rui iiisioixr :c, waii sriiir, io nox :c::,
xiw uavix cr co,:c-::,
Lasl AriI, I asked four dislinguished YaIe graduales lo advise me, and lhe YaIe
Cororalion, on hov sexuaI misconducl couId be more effecliveIy revenled and disciIined al YaIe.
I vas equaIIy inleresled in Iearning vhal addilionaI sles ve mighl lake lo assure lhal ve have an
environmenl and cuIlure in vhich aII of our sludenls are safe and feeI veII suorled. SexuaI
misconducl is inimicaI lo lhe vaIues of a universily lhal rizes communily and lhe fuII deveIomenl
of human olenliaI.
The focus of lhe Commillee's reorl and my resonse is on sludenl Iife. ul no one-- slaff,
facuIly, or sludenl-- shouId be sub|ecled lo sexuaI misconducl, shouId imroer conducl occur, our
resonse musl be equaIIy slrong and effeclive for aII.
We vere forlunale lo enIisl for lhis imorlanl vork KimberIy Goff-Crevs '83, '86 }.D., vho
has exlensive exerience vilh lhese issues in her roIe as Vice Iresidenl for Camus Life and Dean of
Sludenls al lhe Iniversily of Chicago, Margarel MarshaII '76 }.D., former Chief }uslice of lhe
Massachusells Sureme }udiciaI Courl and a member of lhe YaIe Cororalion from 2OO4 lo 2O1O,
Libby SmiIey 'O2, vho vas residenl of lhe YaIe CoIIege CounciI, and Selh Waxman '77 }.D., vho
broughl seciaI insighls from his years as lhe SoIicilor GeneraI of lhe Iniled Slales and his service
on lhe Harvard oard of verseers. I am gralefuI lo lhe Commillee for ils oulslanding vork, and lo
}uslice MarshaII for her devoled service as Chair.
Members of lhe Commillee conferred vilh more lhan 15O individuaIs al YaIe, incIuding
reresenlalives from more lhan lvenly grous. ver lhe course of lhe summer, lhey mel vilh
currenl sludenls and recenl aIumnae1i in Nev York, oslon, Washinglon, Chicago, and San
Irancisco. They aIso look counseI from individuaIs al olher universilies and revieved Iileralure on
conlemorary sludenl sociaI Iife. They aroached lheir lask vilh lhe keenesl inleresl and vilhoul
reconceived ideas, and lhey Iislened inlenlIy lo lhe members of our communily and olhers vhom
lhey consuIled. I am deeIy indebled lo lhem.
Irom lhis imarliaI yel engaged erseclive, lhe Commillee has resenled a series of
vaIuabIe observalions and recommendalions in lhe allached reorl, vhich vas revieved by lhe YaIe
Cororalion al ils Iasl meeling. I am hearlened lhal lhe Commillee has endorsed severaI inilialives
lhal ve have aIready underlaken. The YaIe Cororalion and I have carefuIIy revieved lhe Reorl's
recommendalions, and ve agree lhal lhere is more ve can do lo enhance resecl and resonsibiIily
on camus.
The MarshaII Commillee noles lhal for overvheIming numbers of sludenls., lhe YaIe
exerience is a very osilive one. The overaII viev in lhe communily, eseciaIIy among sludenls,
incIuding lhose.vho exressed lhe grealesl concern aboul lhe sexuaI almoshere on lhe camus, is
lhal YaIe is 'an amazing Iace,' vhere ils sludenls receive an exlraordinary educalion (. 7). Thal is
lhe exerience ve vanl for aII sludenls, and lhe sociaI cIimale of lhe camus musl suorl lhis
The Commillee makes severaI key oinls:
Il caIIs on YaIe's officers and deans lo exerl lheir Ieadershi lo ensure lhal YaIe's cuIlure
DVZHOLYHLW malches our communily's asiralions. SexuaI misconducl shouId nol be
loIeraled, and ve musl imIemenl slrenglhened rocesses for addressing aIIegalions of
Il recommends lhal services for sludenls vho beIieve lhey have been sub|ecled lo sexuaI
misconducl, and vho seek advice aboul hov lo ursue ossibIe comIainls, be cIearIy
described, and lhal lhe alhvays for redress be cIearIy deIinealed. We need lo eIiminale
confusion crealed by lhe variely of resources and rocedures lhal have been avaiIabIe.
Il endorses slreamIining lhe means of addressing comIainls of sexuaI misconducl lhrough
lhe eslabIishmenl of lhe Iniversily-Wide Commillee on SexuaI Misconducl (IWC). This is
a sle ve have aIready laken, lhe IWC is nov in oeralion.
Il recommends lhal ve broadIy and more effecliveIy communicale lo aII sludenls lhe
resources, oIicies, and rocedures avaiIabIe al YaIe lo address inslances of sexuaI
Il caIIs uon YaIe's Ieaders lo lake earIy aclion lo condemn offensive seech vhen il occurs,
vhiIe reserving YaIe's fundamenlaI commilmenl lo free exression.
I accel and agree vilh aII lhese high-IeveI recommendalions. In vhal foIIovs, I oulIine
hov ve inlend lo resond lo lhe secihc recommendalions of lhe Commillee.
The slrenglhened rocesses and reorling mechanisms oulIined beIov viII imrove
accounlabiIily, bul il is aIso imorlanl lhal lhe Irovosl, lhe Dean of YaIe CoIIege, and lhe deans of
lhe graduale and rofessionaI schooIs |oin me in sleing forvard lo communicale videIy lhal
sexuaI misconducl has no Iace al YaIe. As described beIov, ve viII aIso vork vilh sludenl
Ieadershi lo assisl us in crealing an environmenl in vhich sexuaI misconducl is nol loIeraled.
YaIe rovides exceIIenl services for lhose vho have been viclims of sexuaI misconducl. ul
lhe MarshaII Commillee found lhal sludenls did nol fuIIy undersland lhe range of lhose services or
hov lo access lhem. We are commilled lo making cIear lhe services avaiIabIe for aII, incIuding lhose
vho vish lo make eilher anonymous or conhdenliaI inquiries or comIainls. Irom nov on, ve viII
slrongIy recommend lhal aII sludenls vilh a concern aboul sexuaI misconducl seek counseI aboul
lheir course of aclion al lhe SexuaI Harassmenl and AssauIl Resonse and Lducalion Cenler
(SHARL), vhich viII exand lhe exceIIenl services il has offered in lhe asl. ResidenliaI coIIege
deans, members of lhe YaIe CoIIege Dean's ffice, direclors of graduale sludies, and deans of
sludenl affairs in lhe graduale and rofessionaI schooIs viII be encouraged lo refer sludenls lo
SHARL, vhere rofessionaI counseIors give sludenls a comrehensive iclure of lhe olions
avaiIabIe lo lhem, incIuding lhe rocess for hIing a comIainl vilhin lhe Iniversily or vilh Iav
enforcemenl aulhorilies, as veII as lhe medicaI and counseIing resources lhal may be accessed.
SHARL viII be rovided vilh addilionaI slaff lo ensure lhal il has adequale resources lo
rovide services lo sludenls in lhe graduale and rofessionaI schooIs as veII as YaIe CoIIege. We
viII communicale lhe avaiIabiIily of lhe cenler's services videIy and frequenlIy lo aII sludenls and
sludenl affairs ersonneI on camus. We viII aIso make il underslood lhal consuIlalion vilh lhe
cenler's rofessionaI slaff can be done on eilher an anonymous basis (vhere lhe sludenl seeking
counseI need nol idenlify herseIf or himseIf) or on a conhdenliaI basis.
f course, sludenls may choose lo consuIl olher resources vhen lhey confronl sexuaI
misconducl-- incIuding lhe Iniversily-Wide Commillee on SexuaI Misconducl, YaIe IoIice, lheir
residenliaI coIIege deans, direclors of graduale sludies, deans of sludenl affairs, or lhe TilIe IX
coordinalors lhal serve each of lhe schooIs. ul SHARL viII be ubIicized videIy so lhal sludenls
undersland lhal il is reared lo advise aII sludenls on lhe fuII range of resources and olions
avaiIabIe lo lhem.
The Commillee noled lhal graduale and rofessionaI sludenls may feeI arlicuIarIy
vuInerabIe in reorling sexuaI misconducl by a facuIly member, adviser, or suervisor because of
lhe very reaI fear lhal relaIialion mighl affecl lheir fulure careers. Ior lhis reason, sludenls may be
reIuclanl lo reorl misconducl vilhin lheir dearlmenls or schooIs. SHARL viII rovide such
sludenls vilh conhdenliaI counseI and informalion on lheir olions so lhal lhey may feeI secure as
lhey consider lheir nexl sles.
The MarshaII Commillee recommended lhal ve consider crealing a universily-vide office
of ombudsman lo rovide a conhdenliaI venue for advice. Such an office exisls al some universilies,
and al our ovn SchooI of Medicine. The Irovosl and I have considered lhis ossibiIily seriousIy, and
ve have concIuded lhal ve shouId nol creale yel anolher office al lhis lime, vhen ve are lrying lo
simIify and slreamIine our rocesses. Wilh lhe exansion of lhe slaff and services al lhe SHARL
Cenler-- cIearIy designaled as avaiIabIe lo sludenls from aII of YaIe's schooIs-- and vilh lhe nev
Iniversily-Wide Commillee in Iace for Iodging bolh informaI and formaI comIainls, ve viII have
exanded and veII ubIicized avenues for aII sludenls lo seek informalion and advice, on a
conhdenliaI or anonymous basis vhen so desired. If, over lime, ve hnd lhal lhese avenues do nol
rovide sufficienl means of conhdenliaI consuIlalion, ve may lhen revisil lhe recommendalion lo
eslabIish a searale office of ombudsman.
The Commillee noled lhal rior lo lhis year, lhere vas a confusing array of rocesses lo seek
redress for an incidenl of sexuaI misconducl. The nev Iniversily-Wide Commillee on SexuaI
Misconducl (IWC) eIiminales lhis source of confusion. Irom nov on, lhe IWC viII be lhe soIe
channeI for ursuing formaI comIainls againsl erelralors by sludenls in aII schooIs bul one, and
il viII aIso be a rimary channeI for ursuing informaI comIainls. Lav SchooI sludenls may use
lhe nev IWC, bul lhey aIso may avaiI lhemseIves of lhe Lav SchooI's inlernaI rocedures. The
avaiIabiIily of lhe nev IWC viII be communicaled annuaIIy lo aII sludenls by lhe Irovosl.
The Commillee aIso recommended lhal lhe IWC reorl lo lhe vider communily once each
semesler on ils aclions, incIuding lhe sanclions imosed in cases vhere sexuaI misconducl is
delermined lo have occurred. I concur. The lransarency of lhe aclions of lhe IWC is essenliaI, ils
hndings and aclions viII be communicaled lvice a year as arl of lhe TilIe IX reorl described
beIov. This reorl viII be an imorlanl vay lo inform and educale lhe communily, as veII as lo
rovide accounlabiIily for lhe limeIy ad|udicalion of comIainls of sexuaI misconducl.
The MarshaII Commillee encouraged us lo deveIo and communicale slandard enaIlies for
lyes of sexuaI misconducl so lhere is a cIearer underslanding in lhe communily of lhe
consequences of misbehavior. Cases of sexuaI misconducl deend so much on lhe arlicuIar facls of
lhe incidenls in queslion lhal il vouId be hard lo fashion a rosler of slandard enaIlies.
NonelheIess, I am inslrucling lhe IWC lo aIy any and aII enaIlies, incIuding exuIsion vhere
varranled. I am aIso asking lhe Irovosl and lhe GeneraI CounseI, vorking vilh lhe Chair of lhe
IWC, lo underlake a reguIar reviev of lhe oulcomes of ils roceedings lo ensure lhal sanclions are
aIied equilabIy and lhal lhe IWC is selling aroriale recedenls so lhal members of lhe
communily have a cIear underslanding of lhe disciIinary consequences lhal resuIl from sexuaI
misconducl. As lhe IWC deveIos a lrack record of deaIing vilh cases, il may vish lo drav uon
lhese recedenls lo ubIish guideIines oulIining lhe range of enaIlies lo be execled for various
The MarshaII Commillee aIauded lhe cIear deIinealion of lhe dehnilion of sexuaI
misconducl in lhe 8QGHUJUDGXDWH5HJXODWLRQV and ve inlend lo foIIov lheir advice in using lhe
same dehnilion in lhe graduale and rofessionaI schooIs. The Irovosl is currenlIy in discussion vilh
lhe deans on lhis maller.
The Iniversily is commilled lo roviding an environmenl free of discriminalion on lhe
basis of sex, as required by TilIe IX of lhe federaI Lducalion Amendmenls of 1972. TilIe IX
coordinalors, senior adminislralors from each of lhe schooIs and lhe CoIIege, vork lo ensure lhal lhe
Iniversily meels ils obIigalions in individuaI silualions and syslemicaIIy. TilIe IX coordinalors serve
sludenls as veII as facuIly and slaff vilh concerns on any maller reIaled lo sexuaI discriminalion,
incIuding bul nol Iimiled lo sexuaI misconducl. We have exanded lraining for our TilIe IX
coordinalors lo enhance and coordinale lhe services avaiIabIe lo deaI vilh inslances of sexuaI
misconducl. We viII aIso beller communicale vho lhey are and lhe assislance lhey can rovide. A
deuly rovosl has been assigned resonsibiIily for overseeing lhe Iniversily's comIiance vilh
TilIe IX, roviding Ieadershi, lraining, and guidance lo aII TilIe IX coordinalors, and assessing lhe
camus cIimale vilh resecl lo gender. Thal individuaI viII idenlify and vork lo address any
allerns or robIems lhal emerge in lhe reviev of aII TilIe IX-reIaled comIainls, and viII ubIish,
each semesler, an onIine slalislicaI reorl on lhe handIing of sexuaI misconducl comIainls al lhe
Iniversily, vilh a seciaI seclion conlaining lhe IWC's reorl of ils aclions. In addilion, as lhe
Commillee recommended, lhis deuly rovosl viII be resonsibIe for underlaking reguIar
assessmenls of our camus cIimale, seeking inul from lhe camus communily on hov veII lhings
are vorking and advice on vhal mighl be imroved.
An imorlanl lheme of lhe MarshaII Commillee's Reorl is lhal communicalion aboul lhe
many services and resources lhal YaIe offers vilh resecl lo sexuaI misconducl has been fragmenled,
Ieaving sludenls confused and insufficienlIy informed aboul vhere lo go for advice, hov lo hIe a
comIainl, or vhal suorl and assislance are avaiIabIe lo lhem. We have aIready begun lhe rocess
of cIarifying and educaling lhe communily aboul lhese mallers. We viII exlend lhal efforl by
crealing a comrehensive Web sile lhal incIudes a descrilion of SHARL and lhe IWC, as veII as
olher resources avaiIabIe such as lhe WaIden undergraduale eer counseIors and lhe nev
Communicalions and Consenl Lducalors in YaIe CoIIege. The Web sile viII describe lhe various
olions avaiIabIe lo lhose vho have been affecled by sexuaI misconducl. Il viII aIso describe lhe
rocess of hIing a comIainl vilh lhe YaIe IoIice or olher Iav enforcemenl enlilies, and il viII
exIain lhe roIe of lhe TilIe IX coordinalors. This nev comrehensive Web sile, offering a fuII and
cIear navigalion of YaIe's resources for incidenls of sexuaI misconducl, is avaiIabIe al hll:11smr.
In lerms of lraining, ve Iaunched an exlensive rogram for Iniversily officiaIs al lhe
beginning of lhe faII 2O11 lerm. Training sessions vere heId for residenliaI coIIege maslers and
deans, graduale and rofessionaI schooI deans of sludenl affairs and regislrars, and freshman
counseIors. A senior adminislralor viII be idenlihed lo rovide Ieadershi for lhis lraining in lhe
fulure, as lraining exands lo incIude direclors of undergraduale sludies, direclors of graduale
sludies, and coaches and olhers vilh reguIar conlacl vilh sludenls in YaIe CoIIege and in lhe
graduale and rofessionaI schooIs.
The Commillee recommended lhal lhe Iniversily's Ieadershi iniliale a comrehensive
rogram of oulreach lo sludenls lo engage lhem in subslanlive discussion of issues of aroriale
behavior, heaIlhy reIalionshis, and ersonaI resonsibiIily. The Dean of YaIe CoIIege and lhe deans
of lhe graduale and rofessionaI schooIs undersland lhal lhey viII be imorlanl faciIilalors for
serious and suslained conversalions aboul aroriale and inaroriale behavior, lheir Ieadershi
is essenliaI lo heI sludenls areciale lhe conlours of affirming and fuIhIIing ersonaI
reIalionshis. Dean Mary MiIIer has given riorily lo lhis lask vilh resecl lo freshmen vho enlered
lhis faII. A rogram for sohomores viII be inlroduced in lhe sring of 2O12. We areciale lhe
Commillee's endorsemenl of lhe lraining in sexuaI assauIl revenlion and camus cIimale lhal viII
be required for Ieaders of regislered undergraduale organizalions. The Irovosl simiIarIy viII
encourage lhe deans of lhe graduale and rofessionaI schooIs lo communicale lo sludenls lheir
execlalions for aroriale behavior in lhe conlexl of ersonaI, rofessionaI, and academic
reIalionshis. The ffice of lhe Irovosl aIso viII Iead lhe efforl lo rovide lraining lo graduale and
rofessionaI schooI sludenl organizalions, simiIar lo lhal for YaIe CoIIege. The success of lhese
lraining rograms al bolh lhe undergraduale and lhe graduale and rofessionaI IeveIs viII deend
heaviIy on lhe commilmenl and dedicalion of sludenl Ieaders.
The Commillee recommended requiring lhal aII undergraduale organizalions (vhelher on-
or off-camus) regisler vilh lhe YaIe CoIIege Dean's fhce, lhe Commillee aIso recommended lhal
sludenl grous nol be aIIoved lo recruil or enIisl YaIe sludenls unIess lheir ofhcers afhrm in vriling
lhal lhey viII be bound by lhe ruIes of lhe CoIIege in lheir off-camus housing and aclivilies. I
suorl lhe Commillee's inlenlion lhal aII sludenls be heId accounlabIe for comIying vilh lhe
8QGHUJUDGXDWH5HJXODWLRQV hovever, afler conferring vilh Dean MiIIer and olhers, I beIieve lhe beller
vay lo achieve lhis goaI is by imroved communicalion, as veII as enforcemenl. The 8QGHUJUDGXDWH
5HJXODWLRQV aIready make cIear lhal off-camus conducl lhal imeriIs lhe inlegrily and vaIues of lhe
Iniversily-- vhich cerlainIy vouId incIude sexuaI misconducl-- can Iead lo Iniversily-imosed
disciIine, vhelher or nol lhal conducl lakes Iace under lhe ausices of a regislered undergraduale
organizalion. Thal disciIine may incIude a bar on recruilmenl for organizalions, as lhe Commillee
suggesls mighl be varranled under cerlain circumslances. In addilion, YaIe CoIIege aIready has in
Iace incenlives for organizalions lo regisler, such as lhe abiIily lo aIy for smaII amounls of
funding, lo adverlise and recruil al ofhciaI YaIe CoIIege evenls, and lo use Iniversily sace for
evenls and aclivilies. The YaIe CoIIege Dean's fhce is acliveIy enforcing lhese rovisions, barring
unregislered organizalions from avaiIing lhemseIves of lhese riviIeges. I beIieve lhal a combinalion
of educalion and enforcemenl can slrenglhen lhe underslanding of aII undergraduales lhal lhey are
sub|ecl lo lhe 8QGHUJUDGXDWH5HJXODWLRQV bolh on and off camus, in regislered and unregislered
organizalions. ShouId lhis rove nol lo be lhe case, ve viII revisil our aroaches lovard lhese
Incidenls of sexuaI misconducl frequenlIy invoIve aIcohoI abuse, and oflen such behavior
occurs al off-camus arlies sonsored by YaIe-affiIialed grous. Lasl summer lhe YaIe CoIIege
Dean vrole lo aII undergraduales and lheir arenls lo make sure aII vere cIearIy informed of lhe
Iavs governing sociaI hosling and aIcohoI use, and olenliaI enaIlies and IiabiIily. The Dean viII
conlinue lo vork vilh her coIIeagues, incIuding lhe maslers of lhe residenliaI coIIeges, lo ursue
educalionaI efforls lo romole resonsibIe drinking. YaIe has |oined lhe NalionaI CoIIege HeaIlh
Imrovemenl Iro|ecl's Learning CoIIaboralive on High-Risk Drinking, an inilialive lhal brings
universilies logelher lo research and deveIo besl raclices reIaled lo reducing high-risk drinking,
and I am hoefuI lhal lhis efforl viII rove usefuI over lime. We musl aIso communicale more
effecliveIy lhal excessive consumlion of aIcohoI oflen conlribules lo sexuaI misconducl.
MeanvhiIe, lhe YaIe CoIIege Dean's ffice has vorked vilh sludenl Ieaders for lhe Iasl
severaI years lo communicale execlalions of aroriale behavior al evenls incIuding Sring IIing
and The Game, and il viII conlinue lhis vork. We aIso recognize lhal lhere are olher evenls,
incIuding some sonsored by lhe residenliaI coIIeges, vhere lhere musl be grealer accounlabiIily for
adherence lo ruIes on aIcohoI, and guidance on lhe avoidance of excessive drinking. IinaIIy, ve
execl lhal lhe imIemenlalion of severaI of lhe recommendalions of lhe YaIe CoIIege Commillee on
Hazing and Inilialions (vhich reorled in AriI 2O11) viII conlribule lo more resonsibIe behavior
by off-camus as veII as on-camus organizalions lhal conducl inilialions.
The MarshaII Commillee reealedIy heard concerns and comIainls aboul a sludenl-Ied
aclivily knovn as Sex Week al YaIe. Afler comaring lhe evenl's iniliaI urose vilh ils currenl
ileralion, lhe Commillee slrongIy recommended lhal lhe sludenls in charge of lhis evenl nol be
aIIoved lo use lhe YaIe name or YaIe's faciIilies. Al Dean MiIIer's suggeslion, I have aIIoved her lo
give lhe currenl sludenl organizers lhe oorlunily lo roose a rogram for nexl semesler lhal
mighl varranl conlinualion of lhis evenl on camus. We have no inlenlion of suressing lhe
sludenls' righls lo free exression. ul ve viII nol aIIov lhe Iniversily's faciIilies or name lo be
used in lhe service of cororale sonsors and lhe rivale inuremenl of sludenl organizers.
The Commillee slressed lhe imorlance of sludenl Ieadershi and engagemenl. Sludenls
Iearn from one anolher, modeI lheir behavior afler lheir eers, and inleracl vilh eers more cIoseIy
lhan vilh any olher members of lhe YaIe communily. We have aIready commilled, as noled, lo
roviding lraining for Ieaders of sludenl grous. We aIso recognize lhe need lo encourage lhe
Ieaders of many lyes of sludenl organizalions lo seak oul on issues of resecl and resonsibiIily.
We have had some iniliaI success vilh lhe crealion of a counciI of Ieaders of singing grous, vho
rovide seIf-reguIalion, offer eer advice, and are slarling lo modeI besl raclices. We viII exand
lhis Ieadershi counciI concel lo olher areas, beginning vilh fralernilies and sororilies. We execl
and deend uon sludenl Ieaders lo serve as roIe modeIs for lheir eers, lo acl arorialeIy, and lo
discourage risky behavior. Sludenl Ieaders can do more lhan any sel of ruIes and reguIalions lo
lransform our sociaI cIimale lo one lhal reecls a ervasive siril of resonsibiIily and resecl.
The Commillee recommended lhal Iniversily Ieaders seak oul in a limeIy fashion in
resonse lo lroubIing incidenls of gender-offensive seech (such as lhe lvo high-rohIe incidenls
lhal occurred in 2OO8 and 2O1O). I agree, rovided lhal ve affirm al lhe very same lime lhe
Iniversily's commilmenl lo free exression. As lhe Commillee noles: YaIe can acknovIedge lhe
righl of ils communily members lo exress offensive, even halefuI ideas, vhiIe making cIear lhal
such exressions may be inconsislenl vilh rinciIes |of human dignily and civiIily lhalj YaIe seeks
lo romole (. 28).
YaIe slrives for exceIIence in aII ils endeavors. Il is nol enough lo rovide an oulslanding
exerience lo some or even mosl of our sludenls. Lvery sludenl deserves lo feeI safe, veII
suorled, and rolecled from harassmenl and lhe ernicious effecls of sexuaI misconducl. Wilh
gralilude lo lhe Advisory Commillee on Camus CIimale, I reaffirm our commilmenl lo lhis goaI.
Richard C. Levin
November 1O, 2O11

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