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O assporL phoLos
O assporL or drlvlng llcense
O - number
O -aLlonal lnsurance number
O @I Llcense
O CI and references
O ulscounL Lravel cards
O 8ank accounL deLalls
O Address book and emall conLacLs llsL
O Local map
O WhaLs on gulde
O Cld LexLbooks and noLes
O LlsL of phone numbers
O upporL noLlflcaLlon form
O ulary or calendar
O uocLor and denLlsL deLalls
O CLher unlverslLy documenLs
O Lxam cerLlflcaLes
O 8oom lnsurance
O Copy of your CCL and ALevel resulLs
O Dp Lo daLe CI and generlc cover leLLer
O Coples of leLLers of reference
O Address book wlLh posLal and emall addresses as well as
landllne and moblle phone numbers
O Lamps
O urlver's llcence
O assporL
O Coples of medlcal/healLh lnsurance car lnsurance Lravel
lnsurance eLc
O - number
O -aLlonal lnsurance number
O 8anklng paperwork and deLalls
O WarranLles for elecLronlcs
O ,ap or LourlsL gulde Lo your new locaLlon
O DnlverslLy reglsLraLlon and paperwork
O DnlverslLy fees paperwork
O aperwork regardlng sLudenL loans lf needed
O Courses and work schedule
O ,ugs
O Classes
O eLLle
O nlves forks and spoons
O laLes
O 8owls
O Casserole dlsh
O mall frylng or omeleLLe pan
O small large saucepan wlLh llds
O Lgg cup
O @ln opener
O clssors
O Chopplng knlfe
O Chopplng board
O IegeLable peeler
O Cheese graLer
O 8readknlfe
O Wooden spoons
O paLula
O oLaLo ,asher
O Lasy Lo follow reclpe book
O Coffee whlLener for when you run ouL of mllk
O andwlch bags
O lasLlc bowl or box wlLh lld
O ,lcrowaveable bowl
O Cllng fllm
O @ln foll
O leve
O @ea Lowels
O Cven gloves
O Washlngup sLuff
O @ray lor carrylng food Lo your room and Lo sLop you
maklng a mess lf youre noL eaLlng aL a Lable
O uesk lamp (alogen)
O -oLlce board for LlmeLables numbers eLc ome halls may
already provlde one
O ,essage board wlLh erasable marker eg a mlnl whlLe
board or one of Lhose magneLlc sand ones LhaL you can wlpe
O ulary/planner Lo keep Lrack of asslgnmenLs
O ulcLlonary and Lhesaurus
O A pad of llned paper for maklng noLes/dolng drafLs eLc
O 8eam of prlnLlng paper
O A4 folders
O ens penclls paper flles hlghllghLers
O clssors
O Llcky Lape
O Lapler hole punch
O Llcky labels
O osLlL noLes
O aper cllps
O WhlLe @ac so lL doesnL mark Lhe walls
O Lamps and envelopes
O porLs gear
O 8lke
O 8alncoaL
O Dmbrella
O ,ulLlvlLamlns
O alnklllers
O Condoms/plll
O 8aslc flrsL ald klL plasLers anLlsepLlc wlpes bandages
O araceLamol
O ome cold/flu remedy ln case you are sLruck down by
freshers flu
O rolus
O AnLlallergy pllls
O A cold/hoL pack
O 8aLh maL
O 8aLh and hand Lowels (+ posslbly a flannel)
O 8askeL for shower supplles
O Wash bag
O @olleL roll
O 8ox of Llssues
O @ooLhbrush and LooLhpasLe
O oap sqeasy (boLLle) soap ls probably beLLer lf youre
sharlng baLhrooms Lhen lLs easler Lo LransporL and won'L
sllp onLo Lhe floor eLc
O hower gel
O hampoo/CondlLloner
O lebreeze @o sLop cloLhes / fabrlc geLLlng Lo smelly
O Laundry bag o your dlrLy cloLhes donL end up on Lhe
floor And for dragglng Lo Lhe laundry or dumplng on your
parenLs Lo wash for you!
O CloLhes horse ave money on dryers by drylng your cloLhes
ln your room
O CoaL hangers you may noL geL any ln wardrobes
O uusLpan and brush for cleanlng up Lhe odd mess Lhough
mosL unls should provlde Lhls
O uusLer
O lLchen Lowel
O Clf cleanlng producLs
O Washlng powder/llquld/LableLs lf Lhe washlng powder
dlspenser lsnL worklng
O uoor wedge
O Alarm clock (maybe 2 ln Lwo dlfferenL locaLlons ln your
room Lo make sure lecLures are aL leasL aLLempLed even lf
you carry on sleeplng Lhere!)
CalculaLor for sorLlng ouL flnances
O CompuLer and/or lapLop saves on queues aL deadllne Llme
O CompuLer mouse for lapLop easler Lo use Lhan a Lrackpad
O Cu8s (Cu8Ws cheaper ln long run) for backlng up work
O D8 pen drlve carrylng pro[ecLs eLc beLween unl
lnLerneL cafe frlends comp eLc qulckly easlly and
O rlnLer prlnLlng could Lake up Lo slx hours on unl
O -eLwork cable Lo access Lhe lnLerneL from Lhe sockeL ln
your room
O ,lnl frldge
O 8edslde lamp
O ,oblle and charger
O Answerlng machlne
O Cu player/lfl sysLem Lhough beLLer (cerLalnly space wlse)
[usL Lo brlng speakers and use your compuLer
O @I buL llcense fee wlll be cosLly
O Camera Lo Lake plcLures of room and frlends (Lo send
home/puL on webslLe everyLhlng else people do wlLh
O eadphones so you donL dlsLurb oLhers when you play
muslc loud ?ou can geL lnfrared ones LhaL arenL Loo
expenslve and allow you Lo walk around whlle sLlll llsLenlng
Lo Lhe muslc
O 8aLLerles rechargeable (save money)
O ,ulLl plug adapLor/exLenslon lead Lo glve you more Lhan
Lhe normal 2/4 sockeLs
O uresslng gown
O llppers
O @shlrLs
O umpers
O @rousers
O Dnderwear
O ocks
O hoes/Lralners
O lllp flops for wearlng ln showers / communal wash areas
O wlmwear
O 8all gowns/evenlngwear for Lhe lreshers 8all
O hlrL and Lle for any smarLcasual evenLs
O 8oard games a couple wlll make a good fun free evenlng
(noL sure abouL your phraslng! lLs noL mlne)
O ack of cards
O osLers Lhough Lhese are ofLen avallable durlng fresher's
week (you mlghL need Lhlngs Lo cover bad decoraLlon)
O hoLos of famlly and frlends
O Wall hanglng more homely Lhan posLers
O 8ugs Lo hlde Lhe mangy carpeL
O lalry llghLs/dlsco ball/pollce llghL/lava lamp
O Cushlons/beanbags for frlends Lo slL down ln your room
O A Lhrow Lo make your bed lnLo a sofa for frlends Lo slL on
O oL planLs
O @eddy bear/sLuffed Loys
O 8lankeLs for when lL geLs cold and you wanL Lo snuggle up
O heeLs
O uuveL and duveL covers
O lllows plllow cases dld you know Lhe average used
plllow ls 73 dead flesh?
O ,aLLress cover goes beLween Lhe maLLress and Lhe boLLom
O oL waLer boLLle
O lnflaLable maLLress and pump for your maLes when Lhey
O leeplng bag for when frlends come Lo sLay/when you go
Lo sLay
O LxLra sLorage cardboard or plasLlc boxes for Lhlngs whlch
won'L flL anywhere else
O Large sulLcase Lo puL Lhlngs ln when golng home for Lhe
O @orch for power cuLs and looklng under desks/chalrs/beds
O en knlfe
O Larplugs Lo cuL ouL nolse you donL wanL Lo hear
O 8ookends probably unnecessary [usL use someLhlng else
(eg poL of pasLa sugar eLc)
O osLer hangers lf youre noL allowed 8lu/WhlLe?@ac on
Lhe walls
O afeLy plns
O mall sewlng klL [usL ln case you need Lo do a qulck flx on a
rlp or Lear (llke Lhe ones you geL ln hoLels)
O mall LoolklL
O ,aLches
O lan
O Clock

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