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Maintain Attributes: Here you have to choose the second option and you can do the recording how this should work. Then assign the same to the Batch Input Recording name. 2. Maintain Source structure: Create a structure name 3. Maintain Source field: In this you have to create a structure same as taht of the input file eg: name age sex 4. Maintain structure relations: This will link the structure to the input file. 5. Maintain field mapping and conversion rules: Here is the place where you can do coding, depending upon the code you have written or assignment you have done the values will get picked up from the file and get processed. 6. Maintain field mapping and conversion rules: If you have any fixed values you can define here. 7. Specify files: Specify the input file path and type. 8. Assign files: This will assign ur file to the Input file 9. Read Data: This will read ur data from teh file. 10. Dispaly Read Data: You can see the uploaded data 11. Convert Data This will convert the data to the corresponding format for processing 12. Display Converted data: 13. Create batch input session Here this will create a batch input session for processing 14. Run Batch Input session: By clicking on the session and process the same you can do teh needfu.

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