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Iob vs Career
Iob WhaL can l do now Lo make money?"
Career Chosen rofesslon for your llfe
8equlres a wllllngness Lo geL Lhe Lralnlng
needed Lo bulld your skllls for Lhe fuLure
1he process by whlch Lhe lndlvldual worker
paLLerns and orchesLraLes hls separaLe buL
relaLed work acLlvlLles Lo prepare hlm
LogeLher wlLh Lhe organlzaLlon

1he process by whlch one selecLs career
goals and Lhe paLh Lo Lhese goals

lL conslsLs of acLlvlLles and acLlons LhaL you
Lake Lo achleve your lndlvldual career goals

Importance of Career |ann|ng

Ior Ind|v|dua|s
1he process of career plannlng helps Lhe lndlvldual
Lo have Lhe knowledge of varlous career
opporLunlLles hls prlorlLles eLc
1hls knowledge helps hlm selecL Lhe career LhaL ls
sulLable Lo hls llfe sLyles preferences famlly
envlronmenL scope for selfdevelopmenL eLc
lL helps Lhe organlzaLlon ldenLlfy lnLernal employees
who can be promoLed
lnLernal promoLlons up gradaLlon and Lransfers
moLlvaLe Lhe employees boosL up Lhelr morale and
also resulL ln lncreased [ob saLlsfacLlon
lncreased [ob saLlsfacLlon enhances employee
commlLmenL and creaLes a sense of belonglngness
and loyalLy Lo Lhe organlzaLlon
Lmployee wlll awalL hls Lurn of promoLlon raLher
Lhan changlng Lo anoLher organlzaLlon 1hls wlll
lower employee Lurnover
lL lmproves employee's performance on Lhe [ob by
Laplng Lhelr poLenLlal ablllLles and furLher employee
lL saLlsfles employee esLeem needs

Ior Crgan|zat|on
LfflclenL career plannlng and developmenL ensures
Lhe avallablllLy of human resources wlLh requlred
sklll knowledge and LalenL
1he efflclenL pollcles and pracLlces lmprove Lhe
organlzaLlon's ablllLy Lo aLLracL and reLaln hlghly
skllled and LalenL employees
1he proper career plannlng ensures LhaL Lhe women
and people belong Lo backward communlLles geL
opporLunlLles for growLh and developmenL
1he career plan conLlnuously Lrles Lo saLlsfy Lhe
employee expecLaLlons and as such mlnlmlzes
employee frusLraLlon
8y aLLracLlng and reLalnlng Lhe people from dlfferenL
culLures enhances culLural dlverslLy
roLecLlng employees' lnLeresL resulLs ln promoLlng
organlzaLlonal goodwlll

L|m|tat|ons of Career |ann|ng

Dua| Career Iam|||es WlLh Lhe lncrease ln career
orlenLaLlon among women number of female
employees ln on lncrease WlLh Lhls Lhe dual career
famllles have also been on lncrease ConsequenLly
one of Lhose famlly members mlghL face Lhe
problem of Lransfer 1hls has become a compllcaLed
problem Lo organlzaLlons ConsequenLly oLher
employees may be aL dlsadvanLage
Low ce|||ng careers Some careers do noL have
scope for much advancemenL Lmployees cannoL geL
promoLlons desplLe Lhelr career plans and
developmenL ln such [obs
Dec||n|ng Career Cpportun|t|es Career
opporLunlLles for cerLaln caLegorles reach Lhe
decllnlng sLage due Lo Lhe lnfluence of Lhe
Lechnologlcal or economlc facLors SoluLlon for such
problem ls career shlfL
Downs|z|ng]De|ayer|ng and careers 8uslness
process reenglneerlng Lechnologlcal changes and
buslness envlronmenLal facLors force Lhe buslness
flrms Lo resLrucLure Lhe organlzaLlons by delayerlng
and downslzlng uownslzlng acLlvlLles resulL ln flxlng
some employees and degradlng some oLher

CAkLLk DLVLLCMLN1 ls Lhose personal lmprovemenLs one
underLakes Lo achleve a personal career plan
Understand|ng ourse|f
O WhaL ls Lhe klnd of work l llke Lo do?
O WhaL acLlvlLles glve me Lhe mosL
O WhaL ls Lhe envlronmenL ln whlch l would
llke Lo work?
O WhaL klnd of people do l llke Lo work wlLh?
O WhaL klnd of ablllLles do l wanL Lo bulld on?

Ind|v|dua| Career |ann|ng rocess
O DLlllze Lhe career growLh cycle
O lan and uLlllze Lhe [ob lLself
O SeL goals
O ConducL frequenL performance revlew and

CAkLLk MANAGLMLN1 ls Lhe process of deslgnlng and
lmplemenLlng goals plans and sLraLegles Lo enable Lhe
organlzaLlon Lo saLlsfy employee needs whlle allowlng
lndlvlduals Lo achleve Lhelr career goals
Crgan|zat|ona| Career |ann|ng rocess
O sslsL employees ln evaluaLlng Lhelr own
career needs
O uevelop and dlssemlnaLe avallable career
opporLunlLles ln Lhe organlzaLlon
O llgn need and ablllLles of employees wlLh
career opporLunlLles
(kSP aLLern knowledge LLlLude Skllls
O 1raln and reward supervlsors for career
plannlng skllls

O Lmployees

ulscuss regardlng career or
professlonal developmenL
wlLh supervlsor
lL's your career Lake all
necessary lnlLlaLlve

O Supervlsors/ Managers
Make career plannlng an
ongolng process
Lxplaln employees lmporLance
of growLh need for change
ersonal commlLmenL
cqulre skllls Lo be a good
Clve essenLlal feedback Lo
cqulre skllls Lo be a good
ulscuss any concerns regardlng
career or professlonal
developmenL wlLh supervlsor
lL's your career Lake all necessary

O Supervlsors/ Managers
Make career plannlng an ongolng
Lxplaln employees lmporLance of
growLh need for change
ersonal commlLmenL
cqulre skllls Lo be a good
Clve essenLlal feedback Lo
rovlde a work envlronmenL LhaL
ls conduclve

rovlde a work envlronmenL LhaL
ls conduclve

cqulre skllls Lo be a good
Clve essenLlal feedback Lo
rovlde a work envlronmenL LhaL
ls conduclve

O rganlzaLlonal
LxlsLence of supporLlve
organlzaLlonal sLrucLure sulLable
Lo employees needs
rovlde resources and Llme

rovlde resources and Llme

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