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1o counLer Lhe rlsks broughL abouL by our pro[ecL we have come up wlLh

Lhree sLraLegles CeL ouL of Lhe box programme CeL Small scheme and
8urdenLess scheme

Cur flrsL sLraLegy ls called Lhe 'CeL CuL Cf Lhe 8ox' programme also known as
C8ox for shorL 1here are Lwo parLs Lo Lhls sLraLegy 'Lxplorlng LarLh' and 'uo
lL ?ourself' perlod whlch we shall refer Lo as ul? perlod

under 'Lxplorlng LarLh' chlldren age Lhree Lo four wlll be golng on excurslons
Lo common places such as Slngapore Zoologlcal Cardens and !urong 8lrd ark
1hese excurslons wlll Lake place once a year as Lhe chlldren are Loo young and
lL ls lnconvenlenL Lo brlng Lhem ouL frequenLly

lor chlldren aged flve Lo slx Lhey wlll be lnvolved ln boLh parLs of Lhe Cbox
programme 1he Cbox programme wlll be lmplemenLed once every Lhree
monLhs each Llme lasLlng for a monLh wlLh dlfferenL Lhemes under
Lxplorlng LarLh" Lhe chlldren wlll be golng on excurslons on Lhe lasL week of
Lhe monLh where Lhe locaLlon of Lhe excurslon wlll be based on Lhe Lheme
durlng LhaL perlod

1hls ls an example of a one year plan for Lxplorlng LarLh" segmenL for
chlldren age flve Lo slx ln March Lhe Lheme allocaLed wlll be anlmals Pence ln
Lhe lasL week of March chlldren wlll be broughL Lo Lhe Slngapore Zoologlcal
Cardens for Lhelr excurslon ln !uly Lhe Lheme wlll be changed Lo planLs and on
Lhe lasL week of !uly Lhe chlldren wlll be broughL Lo Slngapore 8oLanlc
Cardens for Lhe excurslon 1he Lxplorlng LarLh segmenL wlll Lhen go on Llll
CcLober where Lhe Lheme wlll Lhen be ulscoverlng Sclence and Lhe chlldren
wlll be broughL Lo Lhe Slngapore Sclence cenLre

under Lhe ul? erlod segmenL of Lhe Cbox rogramme chlldren wlll have a
one and a half hour perlod each week 1he ul? perlod wlll Lake place once a
week for Lhe flrsL Lhree weeks of Lhe monLh uurlng Lhe ul? perlod chlldren
wlll be engaged ln a serles of speclal acLlvlLles deslgned Lo sLlmulaLe Lhelr
lmaglnaLlon and encourage creaLlve Lhlnklng 1hese acLlvlLles wlll be planned
accordlng Lo Lhe Lheme and wlll complemenL Lhe excurslon Lhe chlldren wlll be
golng on under 'Lxplorlng LarLh' 1hls wlll enable Lhe chlldren Lo Lake whaL
Lhey have learnL ln Lhe prevlous weeks and llnk Lhem Lo whaL Lhey see durlng
Lhe excurslon provldlng furLher sLlmulaLlon for Lhelr mlnds

Pere ls a plan of how Lhe ul? perlod wlll be carrled ouL ln one allocaLed monLh

1ake for lnsLance Lhe Lheme of 'Anlmals' ls asslgned for Lhe monLh of March
An excurslon Lo Lhe Slngapore Zoologlcal Cardens would be arranged ln Lhe
lasL week of Lhe monLh lor Lhe Lhree weeks leadlng up Lo Lhe excurslon
acLlvlLles would be planned Lo help chlldren learn more abouL anlmals lor Lhe
flrsL week Lhey would be made Lo draw dlfferenL anlmals based on Lhelr own
lmaglnaLlon of how Lhe anlmals may look llke lor Lhe second week we would
move on Lo maklng Lhe chlldren draw and consLrucL posslble hablLaLs of Lhe
anlmals based on Lhe speclal characLerlsLlcs of Lhe anlmals LasLly durlng Lhe
week before Lhe excurslon Lhe chlldren would be shown plcLures of Lhe
anlmals and be Lold Lo make masks of Lhelr favourlLe anlmals wlLh Lhelr own
cholce of colours and deslgn

Powever ln lmplemenLlng Lhe Cbox rogramme We have Lo Lake lnLo
conslderaLlon several lssues

As Lhe Lxplorlng LarLh programme wlll be held ouLslde school compounds
safeLy of Lhe chlldren wlll be Lhe maln concern for parenLs ln response Lhe
Leacher Lo sLudenL raLlo wlll be furLher reduced Lo one Leacher Lo 13 sLudenLs
so as Lo help Lhe Leachers beLLer manage Lhe sLudenLs We wlll also ensure
LhaL no more Lhan Lwo classes from any preschool wlll be allowed Lo go on an
excurslon aL any one Llme Lo avold confuslon

1o ensure Lhe safeLy of chlldren manpower wlll have Lo be lncreased 1o
counLer Lhls parenLs wlll also be encouraged Lo accompany Lhelr chlldren on
Lhe excurslons and help Lake care of Lhem 1hls way Lhe chlldren wlll be more
closely monlLored ln Lhe presence of boLh Leachers and parenLs

AnoLher key area of concern ls Lhe exLra cosLs excurslons wlll lncur for pre
schools 1o reduce Lhe flnanclal burden preschools can negoLlaLe wlLh Lhe
relaLed parLles such as LransporL companles and Lhe relevanL auLhorlLles
managlng Lhe excurslon locaLlons Lo obLaln group raLes AlLernaLlvely Lhe
flnanclal burden can also be shared beLween Lhe parenLs and preschools

Cur survey resulLs have proved LhaL Lhls ls a feaslble measure as 83 of Lhe
parenLs we have surveyed are wllllng Lo pay exLra fees for exLra educaLlonal
acLlvlLles for Lhelr chlldren

LxLendlng school hours ls also anoLher concern for parenLs who may noL llke
Lhelr chlldren Lo remaln ln school for Loo long 1hough 90 of Lhe parenLs we
have surveyed have expressed consenL Lo Lhelr chlldren sLaylng ln school for
longer hours we sLlll feel LhaL famlly Llme should noL be compromlsed for
educaLlon As such Lhe preschool LlmeLable wlll be ad[usLed such LhaL Lhe
LoLal number of hours Lhe chlldren spend ln school remalns relaLlvely consLanL

now wel ylng wlll be elaboraLlng on Lhe oLher Lwo sLraLegles

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