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vorLex Alr CondlLloner

1he world ls changlng rapldly so Lhe Lechnologles for beLLer and brlghL fuLure 1he
vorLex condlLloner ls a new and remodlflcaLlon Lo Lhe presenL Alr CondlLloner 1he maln moLlvaLlon
behlnd Lhls deslgn ls Lo brlng a change and Lo explore all Lhe posslblllLles ln Lhls naLure vorLex Alr
CondlLloner uses Lhe vorLex flow concepL Lo produce Lhe condlLloned alr and lL reduces Lhe
complexlLy of varlous parLs ln alrcondlLloner
1he vorLex Alr CondlLloner has baslcally a Compressor vorLex 1ube and a PeaL
Lxchanger 1he Compressor makes Lhe alr pressure sufflclenL enough for Lhe lnleL lnLo Lhe vorLex
Lube1he vorLex 1ube ls a slmple devlce havlng no movlng parLs whlch produces hoL and cold alr
sLreams slmulLaneously aL lLs Lwo ends from a source of compressed alr(Compressor)vorLex 1ube ls
a 1hermodynamlcal appllcaLlon for dlvldlng Lhe compressed alr lnLo cold and hoL alr splral paLhs 1he
cool alr whlch comes ouL from Lhe vorLex 1ube ls condlLloned ln PeaL Lxchanger whlch has hoL alr
from vorLex 1ube lnslde lL Lo meeL our deslred ouLpuL requlremenL 1hls can be achleved by a slmple
PeaL Lxchanger conLrolled by a closed conLrol sysLem
1hls ls Lhe baslc layouL of Lhe deslgn of vorLex CondlLloner 1hls reduces Lhe
complexlLy of Lhe presenL alrcondlLloner and makes a new era of alr condlLlonlng

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