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Part one: Watching Logorama/Discussing (10 minutes)

O %he teacher will show the students the Iirst two minutes oI Logorama
O %he students will discuss as a class what they think a logo is

Part 2: Brainstorming (15 minutes)
O %he teacher will put the students intro groups oI 5 and allow them to brainstorm as many
logos they could remember Irom the Iilm and even ones the have seen on %' or
O %he students each receive a lose leaI in order to complete the activity.
O ach group will then have the opportunity to share their ideas with the class

Part 3: Dissecting a Logo (30 minutes)
O %he teacher will then post up a large sheet on the blackboard which will be prepared the
night beIore. %he title will be dissecting a logo and the sheet will include 3 columns.
1. What is the logo selling?
2. Who do you think the logo is selling to?
3. What characteristics does the logo have (bright colors, small, big, Iunny..etc)
O ave the students, individually, Ilip through magazines that the teacher provides or they
have brought in Ior homework (see the Iirst lesson) in order to Iind diIIerent logos and
their characteristics.
O $tudents will then be able to come to the Iront oI the classroom, show the logo they
Iound, or maybe one they saw in 'Logorama' and Iill out part oI the giant sheet.

Part 4: Conclusion (5 minutes)
O Based on their Iindings, the students will now, have a Iew minutes to think oI a logo they
could create.
O %hey will have to answer, in their media journals, the same three questions they answered
beIore: What is is the logo selling?. %o whom? Characteristics.

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