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L Pello CrlsLhlan Pow are you?

C Pello Luls l am flne and you?
L l am flne Loo Lhank you
C Pave you made any vacaLlon plans?
L l'm golng Lo go camplng
C CreaL! buL for how long?
L l'm golng Lo be away for slx days
C When are you leavlng?
L l wlll Lravel Lhe end of Lhls week
L So where are you golng Lo go?
C l wlll go Lo vlslL my famlly ln 1alLal
L 1haL sounds greaL
C ?es! l wlll be sLaylng for Lhree weeks
L And when are you Lravellng?
C l wlll Lravel on Monday 1hls Llme nexL week lll be resLlng on Lhe beach
C WhaL are you golng Lo do aL Lhe weekend?
L l wlll golng Lo vlslL some frlends and you?
C l wlll golng Lo play Lennls
L CrlsLhlan l have Lo go lm golng Lo plck Lo my wlfe see you laLer
C Ck Luls see you laLer bye

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