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CREATE 5 QUESTIONS (one word answer) Give one word for the following statements

The annual increase in general price level of goods and services, and factors of production. Inflation People who cannot find work whether they are trained or untrained. Unemployed A condition expressed by people who have inadequate income to satisfy their needs. Poverty This means a person cannot read or write. Illiterate All challenges that impact the people of a country and the economy of the country in a negative way. Socio economic issues



4. 5.

CREATE 5 QUESTION ( Fill-in missing work)


Poverty is experienced by people whose income is not enough to satisfy their needs. Unemployment people may be qualified but they cannot find work. A decrease in income will reduce the consumers buying power. Piracy refers to unlawful copying and distribution of products protected by their copyright laws. High levels of unemployment are attributing to low levels of education and skills training.






What is the status of HIV\AIDS in South Africa? HIV/AIDS is the virus that causes Aids. Many South Africans have the HIV virus in their bodies. But this does not mean they will die. If the virus becomes aids, however, then it is almost certain that the person will die. Aids people are normally put on antiretroviral program.

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