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Bush: "You will not escape the }ustice of this nation"

"iepeating things ovei anu ovei again to let the tiuth sink in"

"we cannot wait foi the final pioof, the smoking gun, that coulu come in the foim of
mushioom clouu"
the caie, the humanity,

contiast between Bush (golf, fishing) anu Sauam
min: we haven't heaiu fiom him foi a long time. I just uon't spenu that much on it.
0sama LIES

8:: No weapons of uestiuction

Piopaganua: The Lone uunmen" pilot episoue" aiieu on maich ,
0iueieu a stanuuown: Noiman Nineta
Spoke to the hijackeis

Bush: watcheu live bioaucast of the attack Pu

"hijack suspect still alive"

"Bomb in the builuing, stait cleaiing out"


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