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W 1he lLLL 802134 proLocol has Lhe ablllLy Lo

supporL LlmesenslLlve Wlreless Sensor neLwork
(WSn) appllcaLlons due Lo Lhe CuaranLeed 1lme
SloL (C1S) Medlum Access ConLrol mechanlsm
W My ob[ecLlve ls Lo propose a novel meLhodology
Lo Lune Lhe proLocol parameLers such LhaL a
beLLer performance of Lhe proLocol can be
guaranLeed boLh concernlng maxlmlzlng Lhe
LhroughpuL of Lhe allocaLed C1S as well as
concernlng mlnlmlzlng frame delay
W ILLL 8021S4 ls a sLandard whlch speclfles
Lhe physlcal layer and medla access conLrol
for lowraLe wlreless personal neLworks (L8
W lLLL sLandard 802134 focuses on lowcosL
lowspeed ublqulLous communlcaLlon
beLween devlces (ln conLrasL wlLh oLher more
enduser orlenLed approaches such as wlfl)
W 1he meJlom occess coottol (MAC) enables Lhe
Lransmlsslon of MAC frames Lhrough Lhe use
of Lhe physlcal channel
W esldes Lhe daLa servlce lL offers a
managemenL lnLerface and lLself manages
access Lo Lhe physlcal channel and neLwork
W lL also conLrols frame valldaLlon guaranLees
LlmesloLs and handles node assoclaLlons
W We rely on Lhe CnL1 Modeler for developlng
our lLLL 802134 slmulaLlon model
W CnL1 Modeler was chosen due Lo lLs
accuracy and Lo lLs sophlsLlcaLed graphlcal
user lnLerface
W 1hls servlce ls dedlcaLed for reservaLlon of
bandwldLh on Lhe channel
W 1hese Llme sloLs are only manageable by Lhe
W A reservaLlon mechanlsm allocaLes Lhe duraLlon
as sLaLed before accordlng Lo all Lhe An needs
W ln Lhe same way lL ls allocaLed by a query from
Lhe node Lo Lhe coordlnaLor lL may be
deallocaLed by any of Lhe Lwo
DAkAN1LLD 1IML SLC1 (contd)
W 1o requesL Lhe allocaLlon of a new C1S Lhe node
sends a C1S requesL wlLh Lhe lengLh and dlrecLlon
W 1he coordlnaLor acknowledges Lhe message and
sLudles Lhe slLuaLlon
W lf Lhere ls enough space ln Lhe conLenLlon free
zone lL sends back ln Lhe nexL beacon a C1S
sLrucLure accepLlng Lhe query and speclfylng Lhe
lndex of Lhe sloL where Lransmlsslon or recepLlon
ls Lo happen
hase l l have lnsLalled conflgured CnL1
Modeler 143A l have also compleLed Lhe
creaLlon of CpneL model for lLLL 802134
My model conslsLs of Lwo klnds of nodes
l Analyzer node ll Sensor node
hase ll l have skeLched a varleLy of
SlmulaLlon scenarlos by varylng Lhe C1S
parameLers whlch l have Lo LesL ln my
consLrucLed CnL1 model

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