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Ways to romote Character Lducat|on |n the C|assroom

1 Pang plcLures of heroes and herolnes ln halls and classrooms

2 8egln a sLudenLLuLorlng program
3 romoLe servlce clubs llke Cross 8oads Clubs wlLh real mlsslons for Lhe school communlLy
4 8e vlgllanL abouL prevenLlng and sLopplng of chlld belng unklnd Lo each oLher
3 CreaLe recognlLlon programs whlch acknowledge someLhlng beslde academlc aLhleLlc or arLlsLlc
6 CreaLe a code of behavlor for your classroom (and school) Lo whlch sLudenL and Leacher's agree
7 lnvlLe parenLs Lo observe and conLrlbuLe Lo your classroom
8 Choose a personal moLLo and share lL wlLh your sLudenLs
9 romoLe a vlrLue of Lhe monLh" sLudy lL and glve an award Lo Lhe sLudenL who makes a
greaLesL progress ln LhaL vlrLue
10 Share a personal hero and Lell Lhe sLudenL why he or she ls your hero
11 8egularly weave characLer educaLlon lnLo your dlscusslon ln sLorles hlsLory and oLher sub[ecL
asklng whaL's Lhe rlghL Lhlng Lo do" and followup wlLh Lhe dlscusslon
12 Pelp sLudenL see LhaL Lhe Cood" ln sLudenL ls more Lhan academlc success
13 SLrucLure opporLunlLles for your sLudenLs Lo do servlce ln Lhe communlLy
14 Lead by example plck up Lhe dlscarded plece of paper ln Lhe hall clean Lhe chalkboard ouL of
respecL for Lhe nexL Leacher eLc
13 uon'L allow unklndness of any klnd ln your classroom
16 uon'L permlL swearlng vulgar or obscene language anywhere ln school properLy
17 WhlLe call or vlslL parenLs Lo pralse Lhelr chlld
18 Make lL clear LhaL sLudenLs have a moral responslblllLy Lo work hard ln school
19 lnsLlLuLe an honor sysLem for LesLLaklng and homework asslgnmenL
20 CreaLe a charlLy CollecL donaLlon and have Lhe sLudenLs declde on Lhelr dlsLrlbuLlon
21 uL saylng up on Lhe wall whlch encourage good characLer such as uon'L walL Lo be a greaL
personsLarL now!"
22 CelebraLe Lhe blrLhdays of heroes and herolnes wlLh observance and/ or dlscusslon of Lhelr
23 Pave sLudenLs wrlLe Lhelr own saylngs of slgnlflcance and dlsplay Lhem on walls
24 AdmlL mlsLakes and seek Lo correcL Lhem LxpecL and encourage sLudenLs Lo do Lhe same
23 1alk Lo Lhe sLudenLs abouL why you are a Leacher Lxplaln your undersLandlng of Lhe
responslblllLy and lmporLance of Leachlng
26 8rlng recenL hlgh school graduaLes back Lo Lalk abouL Lhelr successful LranslLlons Lo college
work or Lhe mlllLary Ask Lhem how good moral hablLs helped ln Lhelr ad[usLmenL
27 Pelp relnforce sLudenLs' empaLhy Ask Lhem quesLlons llke" Pow would you feel lf no one would
play wlLh you?" or Pow would you feel lf someone made fun of someLhlng abouL your body?"
28 When confllcL arlses aL school Leach Lhe sLudenLs Lhe lmporLance of respecL open mlndedness
and dlscreLlon uo noL allow conversaLlons LhaL are fueled by gosslp or dlsrespecL
29 uurlng elecLlon season encourage sLudenLs Lo research Lhe candldaLes poslLlons
30 1each sLudenLs Lo say Lhank you As a class wrlLe Lhankyou noLes Lo people who have done
LhoughLful Lhlngs Lo Lhe sLudenLs
31 8egln a monLhly glfLglvlng" from your class Pave Lhe class perform some servlce Lo Lhe school
such as decoraLlng a hallway
32 Work LogeLher as a class or school Lo clean classrooms or school grounds on a regular basls
33 uemonsLraLe your respecL for oLher rellglons and culLures 1alk Lo Lhe sLudenLs abouL Lhe moral
lmperaLlve Lo acL [usLly Loward oLhers
34 Lncourage sLudenLs Lo look ln on elderly or slck nelghbors
33 Lmphaslze good sporLsmanshlp ln sporLs games and dally lnLeracLlon wlLh oLhers
36 lnclude ln faculLy/sLaff meeLlngs and workshops dlscusslons of Lhe schools Moral CllmaLe" and
Lhe deslred goals for Lhe moral llfe of Lhe school
37 lnsLlLuLe a characLer honor roll
38 lnclude ln faculLy/sLaff meeLlngs and workshops dlscusslons of Lhe school moral cllmaLe" and
deslred goals for Lhe moral llfe of Lhe school
39 uevelop a School Code of LLhlcs" 8efer Lo lL ln all school acLlvlLles and pollcles ulssemlnaLe lL
Lo all school members ulsplay lL promlnenLly LhroughouL Lhe bulldlng
40 ubllclLy recognlze Lhe work and achlevemenLs of Lhe school's unsung heroes Lhe cusLodlans
repalrmen secreLarles cafeLerla workers and volunLeers who keep Lhlngs runnlng everyday
41 Asslgn reasonable amounLs of homework LhaL sLlmulaLe and challenge sLudenLs whlle Leachlng
Lhe lmporLance of selfdlsclpllne and perseverance ln Leachlng
42 CreaLe opporLunlLles for parenLs and sLudenLs Lo work LogeLher on a school pro[ecL lor
example a dance symposlum dlnner or fleld Lrlp
43 Seek ways Lo lnvolve local buslness ln Lhe llfe of Lhe school erhaps Lhrough moLorlng
opporLunlLles or parLnershlps wlLh sLudenL groups
44 LsLabllsh a newcomer's club for newly hlred personnel and enLerlng sLudenLs
43 lnvlLe local employers Lo Lalk Lo sLudenLs abouL Lhe lmporLance of good moral characLer ln Lhe
world of work
46 Pave aLhleLes and coaches collaboraLe Lo develop a code of eLhlcs for aLhleLlcs
47 Ask each school organlzaLlons Lo deslgn a logo symbollzlng a characLer LralL represenLaLlve of
Lhe clubs mlsslon
48 Sponsor an afLer school readlng club for sLudenLs wlLh ageapproprlaLe llLeraLure focused on
endurlng moral lessons
49 8ead Lhe newspaper wlLh sLudenLs and polnL ouL characLer lssues
30 8egln a bulleLln board wlLh Lhemes sLorles and quoLes relaLed Lo becomlng a person of good

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