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1he company had been runnlng on Lhe fund for Lwo and a half years from lasL seven monLhs
Lhe organlzaLlons have sLopped fundlng and Lhe amounL of money Lhey had been uslng Lhe
money from fund lL has reduced from 8 lakhs Lo 4 lakhs over Lhe pasL seven monLhs Accordlng
Lo whaL Sunll Slr sald Lhey have Lo lncrease Lhe producLlon wlLhouL pressurlzlng Lhe employees
who are worklng slx days a week from 930 Lo 330
1he raw maLerlals Lhey have been uslng are all sufflclenL and are noL expenslve 8efore lnvlLlng
new orders from varlous organlzaLlons Lhey should make sure LhaL Lhey should be able Lo
handle Lhe orders wlLh currenL labour force
use onllne markeLlng Lechnlque llke creaLlon of blog whlch requlres low lnvesLmenL
Cne of Lhe machlnes ln Lhe planL ls noL used for producLlon so make some lnvesLmenL ln
repalrlng lL so LhaL Lhey could lncrease Lhe producLlon
Send some promoLlonal vldeos Lo oLher lnsLlLuLlons and corporaLe Lo make Lhem aware
of Lhls lnsLlLuLlon
1he address menLloned below ls Lhe dlsLrlbuLor of coLLon flber ln 8angalore aL
reasonable prlce 1hls wlll also cuL down Lhe cosL of LransporLaLlon
4 SgLb llbers ?arns
Wholesale suppllers of llbers and yarns synLheLlc flber synLheLlc yarn cottoo flbet and
coLLon yarns
Address 203 umlya Laburnum 23 Meg Cfflcers Colony 8anaswadl 8oad 8angalore
karnaLaka lndla

1here are around 12000 sLudenLs ln Lhe unlverslLy 1hey can be encouraged Lo glve Lhelr
used noLebooks books newspapers eLc for Lhe recycllng purpose ln Lhls way Lhe
amounL of raw maLerlal requlred wlll lncrease and aL Lhe same Llme no exLra cosL wlll be
lncurred for Lhe segregaLlon purpose as Lhey won'L be mlxed wlLh any oLher wasLe
A sLore wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy should be seL up whereln sLudenLs and Lhe faculLy
members can buy Lhe producLs
We can undergo a Lle up wlLh organlzaLlons llke landmark moLher earLh sLaples eLc
whereln Lhe producLs can be sold
Su8Ml11Lu 8? 7'S 8'S (ll8S1 M8A SLC1lCn L)

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