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1 whot ports of the onimo/ ce// were common to the poromecium ond squomous ce// os
observed under nPO?

1he slmllar parLs of Lhe parameclum and Lhe squamous cell based on whaL we have
observed on Lhe 400x magnlflcaLlon are Lhe nucleus whlch ls Lhe conLrol cenLer of Lhe cell and
Lhe cyLoplasm whlch holds all Lhe organelles ouLslde Lhe nucleus

2 whot ports of o p/ont ce// were c/eor/y visib/e in the onion root ce//s focused under nPO?

1he parLs of a planL cell LhaL ls clearly observed under a 400x magnlflcaLlon are Lhe cell
wall whlch provldes cellular sLrucLure and proLecLlon Lhe nucleus whlch ls Lhe conLrol cenLer of
Lhe cell and Lhe cyLoplasm whlch ls Lhe fluld membrane LhaL holds Lhe organelles ouLslde Lhe
nuclear membrane

compore the onimo/ ce//s with the p/ont ce//s
o wbot cell potts oppeoteJ commoo to oll tbe speclmeos obsetveJ ooJet nlO
(potomeclom spoomoos cell ooloo toot cell)
1he nucleus Lhe conLrol cenLer of Lhe cell and Lhe cyLoplasm Lhe fluld LhaL holds Lhe
organelles are Lhe ones LhaL are presenL ln Lhe Lhree speclmens under a 400x magnlflcaLlon

b wbot cell potts (lf ooy) wete seeo excloslvely lo eocb speclmeo?
1he cllla whlch acLs as Lhe locomoLlon ald for some eukaryoLes ls excluslvely seen ln
parameclum slnce lL ls a mlcroorganlsm 1he dlfferenL organelles are found on Lhe squamous
cells 1he cell wall whlch are only seen ln planL cell ls Lhe only speclflc parL on Lhe onlon rooL
4 Compare Lhe squamous cell wlLh Lhe dlagram of Lhe Lyplcal anlmal cell WhaL sLrucLures of Lhe
anlmal cell were noL vlslble ln your speclmen? Why were noL vlslble?
8ecause of Lhe noLsopowerful mlcroscope LhaL we used we were noL able Lo see Lhe
very mlcroscoplc parLs of Lhe anlmal cell llke Lhe followlng ln Lhe bulleLed llsL below
O cenLrosome (also called Lhe mlcroLubule organlzlng cenLer) a small body
locaLed near Lhe nucleus lL has a dense cenLer and radlaLlng Lubules 1he
cenLrosomes ls where mlcroLubules are made uurlng cell dlvlslon (mlLosls) Lhe
cenLrosome dlvldes and Lhe Lwo parLs move Lo opposlLe sldes of Lhe dlvldlng
cell 1he cenLrlole ls Lhe dense cenLer of Lhe cenLrosome
O olgl body (also called Lhe olgl apparaLus or golgl complex) a flaLLened
layered sacllke organelle LhaL looks llke a sLack of pancakes and ls locaLed near
Lhe nucleus lL produces Lhe membranes LhaL surround Lhe lysosomes 1he olgl
body packages proLelns and carbohydraLes lnLo membranebound veslcles for
exporL from Lhe cell
O lysosome (also called cell veslcles) round organelles surrounded by a
membrane and conLalnlng dlgesLlve enzymes 1hls ls where Lhe dlgesLlon of cell
nuLrlenLs Lakes place
O mlLochondrlon spherlcal Lo rodshaped organelles wlLh a double membrane
1he lnner membrane ls lnfolded many Llmes formlng a serles of pro[ecLlons
(called crlsLae) 1he mlLochondrlon converLs Lhe energy sLored ln glucose lnLo
A1 (adenoslne LrlphosphaLe) for Lhe cell
O rlbosome small organelles composed of 8nArlch cyLoplasmlc granules LhaL are
slLes of proLeln synLhesls
O rough endoplasmlc reLlculum (rough L8) a vasL sysLem of lnLerconnecLed
membranous lnfolded and convoluLed sacks LhaL are locaLed ln Lhe cells
cyLoplasm (Lhe L8 ls conLlnuous wlLh Lhe ouLer nuclear membrane) 8ough L8 ls
covered wlLh rlbosomes LhaL glve lL a rough appearance 8ough L8 LransporLs
maLerlals Lhrough Lhe cell and produces proLelns ln sacks called clsLernae (whlch
are senL Lo Lhe olgl body or lnserLed lnLo Lhe cell membrane)
O smooLh endoplasmlc reLlculum (smooLh L8) a vasL sysLem of lnLerconnecLed
membranous lnfolded and convoluLed Lubes LhaL are locaLed ln Lhe cells
cyLoplasm (Lhe L8 ls conLlnuous wlLh Lhe ouLer nuclear membrane) 1he space
wlLhln Lhe L8 ls called Lhe L8 lumen SmooLh L8 LransporLs maLerlals Lhrough
Lhe cell lL conLalns enzymes and produces and dlgesLs llplds (faLs) and
membrane proLelns smooLh L8 buds off from rough L8 movlng Lhe newly
made proLelns and llplds Lo Lhe olgl body lysosomes and membranes
O vacuole fluldfllled membranesurrounded cavlLles lnslde a cell 1he vacuole
fllls wlLh food belng dlgesLed and wasLe maLerlal LhaL ls on lLs way ouL of Lhe
ootce bttp//wwweocbooteJleotoloqcom/sobjects/oolmols/cell/

8efer Lo your observaLlons ln 3b Why are Lhese parLs presenL speclflcally ln parLlcular cells and
noL common Lo all cells?
Some parLs are presenL excluslvely Lo some cells because Lhey have speclal
funcLlons Lo speclal cells noL all cells need Lhese parLs because of adapLaLlon and
processes LeL's say for example Lhe dlfferences beLween anlmal and planL cell lanL
cells usually have Lhree parLs whlch are noL presenL ln human or anlmal cells
1) Cell wall Lhls ls a Lhlck layer around Lhe ouLslde of Lhe planL cell made of a
subsLance called cellulose 1he [ob of Lhe cell wall ls Lo sLrengLhen and supporL Lhe cell
2) CenLral vacuole Lhls ls a space ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe cell fllled wlLh a waLery
soluLlon called cell sap 1he sap conLalns salLs sugars amlno aclds and wasLes As well
as sLorlng Lhese subsLances Lhe vacuole helps Lo supporL Lhe cell
3) ChloroplasLs Lhese are sLrucLures conLalnlng Lhe green plgmenL called
chlorophyll whlch Lraps sunllghL 1helr [ob ls Lo make food for Lhe planL by Lhe process
of phoLosynLhesls
resence of Lhese parLs ln Lhe anlmal cell wlll cause abnormallLles Anlmal cell
are heLeroLrophs Lhey don'L need chloroplasL for Lhe producLlon of Lhelr own food A
cenLral vacuole ls noL also needed because we don'L need a blg reservolr for
subsLances A cell wall ls noL needed also because we can'L move lf lL ls presenL ln our
Cllla ls presenL only Lo parameclum and some mlcroorganlsms because Lhey
need Lo move as lL serves as Lhelr feeL

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