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Friend functions, operator overloading

Friend functions, operator overloading

Its good to have friends

A friend function of a class is defined outside the classs scope (I.e. not member functions), yet has the right to access the non-public members of the class. Single functions or entire classes may be declared as friends of a class. These are commonly used in operator overloading. Perhaps the most common use of friend functions is overloading << and >> for I/O.


Basically, when you declare something as a friend, you give it access to your private data members. This is useful for a lot of things for very interrelated classes, it more efficient (faster) than using tons of get/set member function calls, and they increase encapsulation by allowing more freedom is design options.


A class doesn't control the scope of friend functions so friend function declarations are usually written at the beginning of a .h file. Public and private don't apply to them.

Friends (a few gory details)

Friendship is not inherited, transitive, or reciprocal.

Derived classes dont receive the privileges of friendship (more on this when we get to inheritance in a few classes) The privileges of friendship arent transitive. If class A declares class B as a friend, and class B declares class C as a friend, class C doesnt necessarily have any special access rights to class A. If class A declares class B as a friend (so class B can see class As private members), class A is not automatically a friend of class B (so class A cannot necessarily see the private data members of class B).


class someClass {
friend void setX( someClass&, int); int someNumber; rest of class definition } // a function called setX defined in a program void setX( someClass &c, int val) { c.someNumber = val; }
// inside a main function someClass myClass; setX (myClass, 5); //this will work, since we declared // setX as a friend

Operator Overloading

So far, weve seen that we can overload functions two functions that have the same name can co-exist, as long as the compiler can tell the difference between them. This also happens with operators, both unary (!, ++, etc.) and binary ( +, -, *, %,). The one ternary operator ( ? ) cannot be overloaded.

Operator overloading

C++ actually has this built into the language, and youve been using it already. When you call the addition operator with two integers, and when you call the addition operator with two floating point numbers, calls a completely different function.

Operator overloading

Sometimes, when we are defining a class, it might be useful to define some addition operators. Note, this is usually a convenience the same functionality can usually be accomplished through simple member calls. So, lets say we have a class called simpleExample. What does the following code do?
simpleExample se1(54,3), se2(43,3); se1+=se2;

Operator Overloading

The result of the previous will be whatever we defined the += operator to do for the simpleExample class. One operator ( =, the assignment operator) is automatically overloaded for classes you create.

Restrictions on overloading

Most operators can be overloaded. A few of them cant the . (dot) operator, the .* operator, the unary scope :: operator, the ?: operator, and the sizeof() call, which is technically an operator. You cant change the precedence of operators. You cant create your own operators (some people would like to overload ** to do exponation you cant).

Restrictions on overloading

Also note that each operator is unique defining an addition (+) operator for your class does not automatically define +=, even though they should do practically the same work. Also note that preincrement (++a) and postincrement (a++) are two separate operators

Overloading when/why

Overloading can be a good thing when it increases the clarity/ease of which your class can be used. Well, overloading the + operator should be obvious so this would be a good use.

Overloading when/why

Don't use operator overloading just because it can

be done and is a clever trick. The purpose of operator overloading is to make programs clearer by using conventional meanings for ==, [], +, etc. This is purely a convenience to the user of a class. Operator overloading isn't strictly necessary unless other classes or functions expect operators to be defined (as is sometimes the case). Whether it improves program readability or causes confusion is more a case of how well you use it. In any case, C++ programmers are expected to be able to use it -- it's the C++ way.

Overloading why/when


Choosing The Best Overload Operator In C++, overload +,-,*,/ to do things totally unrelated to addition, subtraction etc. If you overload +, make sure you do it in a way that i = i + 5; has a totally different meaning from i += 5; Here is an example of elevating overloading operator obfuscation to a high art. Overload the '!' operator for a class, but have the overload have nothing to do with inverting or negating. Make it return an integer. Then, in order to get a logical value for it, you must use '! !'. However, this inverts the logic, so [drum roll] you must use '! ! !'. Don't confuse the ! operator, which returns a boolean 0 or 1, with the ~ bitwise logical negation operator.

Overloading why/when


Overload new : Overload the "new" operator - much more dangerous than overloading the +-/*. This can cause total havoc if overloaded to do something different from it's original function (but vital to the object's function so it's very difficult to change). This should ensure users trying to create a dynamic instance get really stumped. You can combine this with the case sensitivity trick: also have a member function, and variable called "New".

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