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King Marc finds a red hair and vows to marry the woman it belongs to.

Tristan searches everywhere for her and takes her back to the King. Her name is Iseult and the King marries her. By mistake, Tristan drinks a love potion intended for the King, and Tristan and Iseult fall in love. The king sentences them to death but Tristan escapes to Brittany. There, he marries, but he is very unhappy. One day, Tristan is wounded in a fight. The only person who can heal him is Iseult. Reluctantly, his wife agrees to send for her. Tristan says if she is on the ship that returns, it should have a white sail. If not, it should have a black sail. The ship approaches. Jealous, his wife says the sail is black, and Tristan dies. Iseult arrives and, heartbroken, she too dies. They are buried and from their graves to trees grow. The branches intertwine and become one. They are together at last.

164 words

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