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The ''- glory of mankind has been 'res

tored;at, Itis 'end of age to all the children
of God.. However what is paramo:u.nt for all
who dearly .seekfor ,th,is lost, glory,' is to re
frain completely from sins, pride, and to
exhibit al,. fruits of love, meekness and hu
milityas this is the kingdom of the meek
and the humble. The food for the children
of God' cannot he given to the dOgS.
f!Jory reS1tOre
'. . \, , '
This is a
I had in March this year.
It seems that 1 was going'
to the Market square And.
I saw a middle age Wo;
man sitting down there,
selling Exercise' Books
with inscnptioos and pho
to passport of the Leawr
at four cometS of the
She was tingng a bell
saying ,Leader 0. O. Obu,
l.eackr O. O. Obu, twenty
kobo: The book Will well
desi!Jl. So 1 stopped there
to purchase it, But as 'I
brought out t\Wnty naira
notes to pay for the exer
cUe book;' the Woman
shouted on metliat she
did not need moneyl
that what she wan
ted is nwnty kObo ooly.
When I looked closed
her side, 1 saw so many
cOirts of ooe kobo heap
around her and she td,d
me .that. thls is how Nt
her image..
The book WIB sold
so rast in the m ... ket and
She told me that ifNi['Jia
Wlllt to restore back her,
ICBt Glories they should
go and aJlks in tbe
Leader 0:0. Obu.
I woke up I had to
to some Bookshops to
out what I had seen and
.whether .thil book had.
been circulating in the
world market but nooe
W. foUnd.
., Now "Father vAll Bro
restM the
glory of thil country
back"? I pray the Father
that what is good lets
Him do for Hia children
and make a better home
for us. Amen.
, Thank you Father,
.' We:'sre':.i.mpr,essedbytbe;!BC.S'
. w,
Ef' Says Government

Irman 0 .Ina . " '.' ., .' .

b(Jr Municipal
ment says he is
impressed on the'ini'-
hoodoftbrt Cross and
.Star (BCSr fbrtaking
the g06pel of our Lord
,Jesus Christ as putter
ned brv the Sole
.filal llead, . Leader 0.:
() Obu .:to qther parts
. of the world especially
to the whites.
l'he remarks were
made when the Chair
fi1(lh paid a courtesy
call on the, Leader in
v.est1:.".'Y.,' An Calal)ar
00 October 13,1986,
,and ,new ,He "au'" Mr.Eyo
chlngs us unique and that the fund raising
cbpable I of changing functio.'Rwill be a
. entire and remarkabll? one, since
brzng ab?ut a better .. he has the wisdom to
Cross R!ver. State. a bring God into it and
Nlgena, a.better ding th(Jt "allowing,
God, to lead you in'
.(J betterworld., ' ; '.' whatever you do is the
. Secondly. he.' .says", right thing and the sue-
he wants .tomform. cess.' of such underta
"the Holy Father ki"gs qre assured and
the Calabar MUnlclPGI
Fund lQunching
and. plead With
glVe him the green,.
, He, said the; aim of
fh.evisitwas two fold. Mr. . Eyo.
.it is to a, &IIIan, Mr. L. S.
to the $?t1!Ht
,also H1.Sipo
.;IICiIy; Father for sltlOR: . to ,ntimate
of the folfi:
i especuzlly tlipse ,resz
as protect. dent, in Calabar" to
. . d t h t h IT d
hihL ,.enae woe eae
...1/:16 'ly for 'fhe develop-
Leader .for Imparting ment or Calabar
'on'Yi,.wimi:;m thathtzs 'Whlch of ",o,nt h.
bev.", become a home for
:cell .. .' rn the
;114,in.g that lie ResPOnding,. the
'M'S been.fo11(>w.. itJrJlis 801e SpM.tual Head,..
.' .' JoIritJti . ,., L . 0. () Ob"
ie'levisiOn ,... , e,: ,r .' '.' .. ,L, u.
Holy Father
.arsclosed to..Mr. Eyo
'that with God, ellery
thing is possible for He
nfve; saying th,at
tfle whites know Hun
better pointing us a
proof ofHj. aliJim at
COiIttlllolitJ, who co
incidentally. was pre
sent dun'ng the Ohmr
mall's visit,
The HoJy Father
used the" oppori'U'tUty
to info,..". them thatlJ[Ou,mJ,,<dJi.tIi" .
the cause of faUures Jis1t.n,a,efl'#,Jn the ........,. ,
of the politico', ,cono. International, &4d1..
antI: h(J$, .:' . .the; Oheir l ty QI Leadtr
lIe, .. ' nev!! .' man 0.1)0 'and CO""""" of all
qr.that, therr (JJ:,. tJl the thi,.".,
churches" noting His best, thingtllfty have The Holy Father
in tllet laid, "th,.Pop, knows
lit"....,. me, the .mperotor of
mle and relilioUl lea
de,.,hlp ,'- the country
'and the .ntire world
liu. in the IiJcIe of ,.,..:
., cognilin( God almiNh
toe but theft proble,!,
to. pome here. lies In
". hesitation., ,

eonal'1:"' aBsunngly
tlult whether th.y
Itte.1t or all had.
.mUlt bow and till
.11ft'" .hall. to
Hfm the fulM" of
time. .
. Mr. L. S. Costaglo
1m, the Ge!,eral MBI!a.
#T ot H,tgh
1J4kenes.., Ind,U$try,
whO.,luis. been. .. '
111 Ni.... 1980.
MY' la,' w. a,ttracted,
to the SQ'y Fa'ther by
Hi, "..t ,piritual feat.
The Chaimum..of:
Calabar .
Council" Mr.
E, .rJ and the, !
L. )3; 'Go. '!,
. .
were llJJel'
quarters by Pastor Of;
fu Ebonlo, the leader 8
!fcr_tory., while the
'lAo.r Hi"""d,it'h took
them aroun eves
trY I 'to' disabuse
mi;Wsof the
hi and :4tJijklij "
by detraetor./f' <,

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