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Modern 1echno|ogy

MoJeto tecbooloqy olooe coooot ftee bomoos pbyslcol oeeJs
n Lhls modern era human needs a place Lo sLay or a very nlce and cozy place Lo llve As Lhe populaLlon
ls lncreaslng people have a loL of physlcal needs 1he mosL lmporLanL need ls a house Lo llve ln
Modern Lechnology has offer Lhe experLlse Lo bulld more and more bulldlngs and houses nowadays we
can see bulldlngs and houses mushroomlng here and Lhere uoes lL lmprove Lhe quallLy of llfe?
PonesLly Lhe answer ls ?LS! 8uL does lL l8LL PuMAnS?
8elng a wlse person of course Lhe answer ls nC! eople would never saLlsfy of Lhelr physlcal needs 1he
more lL has Lo offer Lhe more people wanL lL
1herefore modern Lechnology alone cannoL l8LL PuMAnS from physlcal needs
And Lhe moLlon here Loday says Modern Lechnology ls a greaL llberaLor" don'L Lhlnk so
Modern Lechnology ls noL a greaL llberaLor because lL cannoL l8LL PuMAn from physlcal needs
Modern Lechnology lnsLead has conflrmed humans ln a loL of dlspuLes
WhaL abouL weaponry whlch leads Lo war? WhaL abouL Lhe fasL developmenL whlch lead Lo dlsasLer
such as landslldes and floods?
Modern Lechnology alone also cannoL free human from naLural dlsasLer And yeL Lhe
governmenL sald LhaL lL ls a greaL llberaLor
Members of Lhe Pouse
1hough we do noL deny Lhe lmporLance of modern Lechnology Lhrough whlch humans could
beneflL from modern Lechnology alone cannoL free humans from physlcal and soclal demands have
already puL forward Lhe undenlable facLs abouL Modern Lechnology alone cannoL free humans from
physlcal needs"
WlLh LhaL Lhank you

My role as Lhe flrsL speaker ls Lo enllghLen you on our flrsL polnL
1 1he laLesL skllls knowledge and experLlse have become parL of human's llfe and Lherefore have
greaLly lmproved all dally llfe acLlvlLles

Cur second speaker wlll rebuL Lhe flrsL argumenL of Lhe negaLlve and clarlfy 2 more polnLs from Lhe
AfflrmaLlve on
2 1he laLesL skllls knowledge and experLlse have become parL of human's llfe and Lherefore have
greaLly lmproved human's llfe span
3 1he laLesL skllls knowledge and experLlse have become parL of human's llfe and Lherefore have
greaLly lmproved human's learnlng of Lhe world

Member of Lhe Pouse our 1
1he laLesL skllls knowledge and experLlse have become parL of human's llfe and Lherefore have
greaLly lmproved all dally llfe acLlvlLles

Members of Lhe Pouse
lrom day Lo day our world has changed gradually from one condlLlon Lo anoLher 1he
revoluLlon of new ldeas always comes up Lo Lhe mlnd of every person especlally Lhe ldea Lo lmprove
Lechnology whlch people need Lo make Lhe llvlng beLLer

Members of Lhe Pouse
As Lhe resulL modern Lechnology has been brlnglng people cerLaln brlghL llghLs such as ways for
fasL communlcaLlon Lhe lmprovemenL of Lravelllng and good healLh care medlcal LreaLmenL

Members of Lhe Pouse
lor Lhe plus slde we can geL Lhe fasL ways of communlcaLlon Lhrough modern Lechnology
WlLhouL lL everyLhlng wlll be Lhe same

Members of Lhe Pouse
nowadays people can geL laLesL lnformaLlon from any parLs of Lhe world very qulckly by uslng
emall or lnLerneL
Moreover Lelephonelocal or oversea ls playlng a key role for people Lo communlcaLe Lo each oLher

Members of Lhe Pouse
Modern Lechnology has free Lhe people from Lhe consLralnL of soclal and economlc as well as
dlscrlmlnaLlon 1he lnvenLlon of machlnes helps Lo do work fasLer and easler nLerneL helps people Lo
communlcaLe and soclallze wlLh people from all walks of llfe and LransporLaLlon 1hls has made Lhe
world as Lhe world wlLhouL boundary
Cur llves and dally acLlvlLles are geLLlng beLLer and lmprovlng
1herefore lL ls clearly seen LhaL modern Lechnology ls a greaL llberaLor Lo Lhe world

uear CpposlLlon
1he CovernmenL's bellef sLands flrm!

Members of Lhe Pouse before sLep down once agaln would llke Lo wholehearLedly agree wlLh Lhe
moLlon Modern Lechnology ls a greaL llberaLor"

1hank you

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