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W epslCo lnc ls founded by uonald M kendall

resldenL and Chlef LxecuLlve Cfflcer of epslCola and
Perman W Lay Chalrman and Chlef LxecuLlve Cfflcer
of lrlLoLay Lhrough Lhe merger of Lhe Lwo companles
epslCola was creaLed ln Lhe laLe 1890s by Caleb
8radham a new 8ern nC pharmaclsL
W epslCo slgns Marla Sharapova for lnLernaLlonal
endorsemenL of CaLorade and 1roplcana
W epslCo lndla loods launches CheeLos Whoosh Lhe
flrsL snack ln lndla made wlLh whole gralns and
Cur Mlsslon and vlslon
W Cur mlsslon ls Lo be Lhe worlds premler consumer
producLs company focused on convenlenL foods and
W Cur V|s|on
W epslCos responslblllLy ls Lo conLlnually lmprove all
aspecLs of Lhe world ln whlch we operaLe envlronmenL
soclal economlc creaLlng a beLLer Lomorrow Lhan Loday
W Cur vlslon ls puL lnLo acLlon Lhrough programs and a focus
on envlronmenLal sLewardshlp acLlvlLles Lo beneflL socleLy
and a commlLmenL Lo bulld shareholder value by maklng
epslCo a Lruly susLalnable company
9rformanc w|th 9urpos
W L epslCo were commlLLed Lo achlevlng
buslness and flnanclal success whlle leavlng a
poslLlve lmprlnL on socleLy dellverlng whaL we
call letfotmooce wltb lotpose
W Cur approach Lo superlor flnanclal performance
ls sLralghLforward drlve shareholder value 8y
addresslng soclal and envlronmenLal lssues we
also dellver on our purpose agenda whlch
conslsLs of human envlronmenLal and LalenL

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