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Dutch Invas|on of the h|||pp|nes

O roLesLanL bellevers ln CaLhollc counLrles sLarLed demandlng LhaL Lhelr rellglous rlghLs be
recognlzed by Lhe CaLhollc monarchs
O 1368 1he uuLch of Polland (neLherlands) revolLed agalnsL Lhe Spaln and demanded for
O 1379 1he uuLch were able Lo organlze a republlc 1hen was granLed ln 1609
O 1he uuLch and Lngllsh were deLermlned Lo break lnLo Lhelr splce Lrade wlLh Asla and compeLe
wlLh Spaln and orLugal 1hey formed Lhelr respecLlve LasL lndla companles Lo accompllsh Lhelr
O 1he uuLch planned Lo Lrade buL Lhen sLarLed an aggresslve pollcy of Laklng over all Lhe ma[or
sources of supply esLabllshed a monopoly for Lhemselves
O 1he uuLch used 8aLavla as a forLlfled base ln aLLacklng capLurlng Malacca Lhe orLuguese
facLorles ln 8anda lslands and Amblonla
O 1637 Lhe SulLan of 1ernaLe was forced Lo prohlblL Lhe growlng of splces ln all hls lands
O 1700 Lhe uuLch conLrolled all Lhe porLs of !ava large parLs of Lhelr hlnLerland
O november 8 1600 uuLch's flrsL recorded rald by Admlral Cllver can noorL
O Aprll 13 1617 1he uuLch gave Lhe sLrongesL blow Lo Lhe hlllpplnes
O !une 10 1647 1he uuLch under Lhe command of Admlral MarLln CerLzen aLLacked CavlLe whlch
cosL hlm hls llfe
O 1o avenge Lhelr defeaL Lhey massacred more Lhan 400 llllplnos ln Abucay 8aLaan
O Jhen reached Manlla Lhe comblnes forces of llllplno and Spanlsh soldlers foughL savagely
under CapL Puan de Chaves and drove away Lhe uuLch

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