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MIS (management |nformat|on systems)

MlS (managemenL lnformaLlon sysLems) ls a general Lerm for Lhe compuLer sysLems ln
an enLerprlse LhaL provlde lnformaLlon abouL lLs buslness operaLlons lLs also used Lo refer
Lo Lhe people who manage Lhese sysLems 1yplcally ln a large corporaLlon MlS or Lhe
MlS deparLmenL refers Lo a cenLral or cenLrallycoordlnaLed sysLem of compuLer experLlse
and managemenL ofLen lncludlng malnframe sysLems buL also lncludlng by exLenslon Lhe
corporaLlons enLlre neLwork of compuLer resources
ln Lhe beglnnlng buslness compuLers were used for Lhe pracLlcal buslness of compuLlng Lhe
payroll and keeplng Lrack of accounLs payable and recelvable As appllcaLlons were
developed LhaL provlded managers wlLh lnformaLlon abouL sales lnvenLorles and oLher daLa
LhaL would help ln managlng Lhe enLerprlse Lhe Lerm MlS arose Lo descrlbe Lhese klnds of
appllcaLlons 1oday Lhe Lerm ls used broadly ln a number of conLexLs and lncludes (buL ls
noL llmlLed Lo) declslon supporL sysLems resource and people managemenL appllcaLlons
pro[ecL managemenL and daLabase reLrleval appllcaLlons

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