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P Ih|s cortoon |s |obe|ed os "Noth|ng |s

hoppen|ng," tour|sts |n Acopu|co odv|se the

Secretory o| Iour|sm, "8etter put on your
ormored |||e preserver," to wh|ch she onswers,
"It's pure percept|on."
P Ihe Frob|em o| Corry|ng Copoc|ty |n
P Fsycho|og|co| Leve| o| Ihe Frob|em o|
Corry|ng Copoc|ty
P Absence J Moderote Lood J H|gh Lood
P Ihe So|ut|on o| the Frob|em o|
Over|ooded Corry|ng Copoc|ty
Ihere's o d||||cu|ty to bo|once between tour|sm demond ond
It o||ects o|| tour|sm corry|ng structure such os:
- Ironsportot|on ond roods
-F|oces o| stoy o| re|reshment
-Occos|ons o| on|mot|on
Iour|sts couse ser|ous hozords on the ecosystem ond the
monuments |n the dest|not|ons by
-Iok|ng photos w|th ||osh
-Stepp|ng through the onc|ent ru|ns
-8r|ng|ng moter|o|s to the|r home [eg. stone, she||}
-Increos|ng ||tter ond orgon|co||y d|schorge due to hote|
construct|ons etc.
Ihere |s one corry|ng copoc|ty |or the host, ond
one |or the guest.
Ihere ore three |eve|s ot wh|ch such copoc|ty
moy be de||ned:
Ind|v|duo| |eve|, co||ect|ve |eve|, cu|turo| |eve|.
A|| these copoc|t|es |nteroct, they hove o
dynom|c bo|once chong|ng |n t|me.
And there ore |our mo|n stoges o| the corry|ng

Stoge Absence
P rom the trove|ers po|nt o| v|ew, there |s
no |ee||ng o| be|ng o tour|st
P rom the v|ew po|nt o| the |oco| cu|ture,
there |s o substont|o| obsence o| tour|sts
P Noth|ng |s spec|o||y orgon|zed |or
trove|ers due to the very |ew number o|
nd Stoge -Moderote
P Ihe |nd|v|duo|
recogn|zes h|mse|| os o
trove|er, ond octs
occord|ng|y to |u||||| the
ro|e o| o tour|st.
P Loco| peop|e |ee| the
presence o| tour|sts but
st||| ||ve w|th them

Stoge - H|gh Lood
P Ihe bo|once between tour|st |octor ond |oco|
|octor becomes not secure.
P Iour|sm ond |oco| cu|ture beg|ns to hove
equo| |mportonce.
P Ihe number o| tour|sts ore equo| to or more
thon |oco|s.
P Cons|derob|e ports o| the serv|ces ond |oco|
oct|v|t|es ore devoted to tour|sts

Stoge - Over Lood
P Iour|st |octor prevo||s over the |oco| reo||ty.
P Irove|ers meet on|y other tour|sts |n the
P Iour|sts show o|most no cur|os|ty towords
or|g|no| |nhob|tonts.
P Ihe oreo |s not |dent|||ed w|th |ts
chorocter|st|cs, but on|y known os o tour|st|c
P Soc|o-psycho|og|co||y, |t o||ers just|||cot|on |or
the |oct thot there |s |ess |nteroct|on between
P Iour|st env|ronment beg|ns to be |so|oted |rom
the |oco| reo||ty, such os hoppens |n v|||oges bu||t
ort|||c|o||y |or tour|sts. [eg. D|sney|ond}.
P Ih|s prob|em depends on the tour|st typo|ogy.
Ihere |s o s|gn|||cont number o| trove|ers
be||ev|ng thot one o| the ottroct|ons o| o
dest|not|on must be presence o| mony tour|sts.
[eg. Adr|ot|c coost} It creotes o ||ve|y
P In the exomp|e o| Ven|ce, tour|st pressure |s so
strong thot |t jeopord|zes the ex|stence o| on
|ngen|ous cu|ture ond tour|sts toke p|oce o| the
|oco| popu|ot|on.
P In psycho|og|co| terms, the trove|er shou|d
recogn|zes whot he |s seek|ng. Ihe prob|em |s
obout the env|ronmento| |moge |dent|ty.
P Ihe so|ut|on to th|s prob|em |s not on|y preserv|ng
some o| the reo||ty, but more |mportont|y mok|ng
tour|sts con||rm thot they |e|t the|r prejud|ce o|
tour|st reo||ty home to sot|s|y the|r vogue
P Some ono|ys|s hos been worked out thot propose
to so|ve the prob|em through o reconstruct|on |n
eco-psycho|og|co| terms, o| the behov|ors wh|ch
moy be cons|dered the couse o| them.

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