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A Family of Violence World Literature 5th Period

Violence, a dangerous and saddening concept, is never worse than when existent within a family. In the three Theban stories of Sophocles, the violence and pain inflicted by blood relatives is a central theme, even if they were accidental. Before Antigone, Oedipus murdered his own father. Then, several years down the road in Antigone, violence is inflicted time and time again. First, having fought on opposite sides of a war, Polynices caused the death of his brother Eteocles. Next, Creon, the uncle of Oedipus four children, caused the death of three loved ones. He sent his niece Antigone to her death in retaliation for her decision to ignore his decrees and bury her brother for he is my brother No one will ever convict me for a traitor (5556), regardless of his treachery. This harsh course of action from Creon led to the suicide of his son (fianc of Antigone) and wife. Clearly ridden with violence, this family is truly cursed to eternal pain and misery.

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