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Market|ng |ann|ng

School of 8uslness ManagemenL nMlMS unlverslLy

l1M8A lsL yr 20112012
1rlm ll
ur AmlLkumar Slnha LxLn 3833 Lmall ld amlLslnha[nmlmsedu
ur Anshu !alora LxLn 3883 Lmall ld anshu[alora[nmlmsedu
rof neeLa Acharya LxLn 3834 Lmall ld neeLa[nmlmsedu
rof Seema Maha[an LxLn 3833 Lmall ld seemam[nmlmsedu
1hls module wlll help you Lo undersLand
, MarkeL lannlng rocesses
- 1ools used ln markeLlng plannlng
. ueclslon maklng framework LhaL helps companles effecLlvely uLlllse Lhelr resources
1hls module ls a conLlnuaLlon of Lhe earller module whlch covered Lhe purpose of markeLlng how
companles creaLe values for cusLomer 1hls module wlll focus on how organlsaLlons prepare Lhemselves
Lo markeL Lhe producLs hence focussed markeLlng plannlng relaLed declslons
1o achleve above ob[ecLlves Lhls course would be LhoughL Lhrough lecLures cases asslgnmenLs and llve
markeL pro[ecL ln selecL organlzaLlon Also as a parL of Lhe edagogy Lo ensure an effecLlve learnlng
Lhe presesslon readlng maLerlal whlch wlll be glven Lo Lhe parLlclpanL well before Lhe sesslon beglns
has Lo be read by Lhe parLlclpanLs before Lhe sesslon beglns

LvaluaLlon CrlLerla
1 Culz / Class arLlclpaLlon 20
2 Mld 1erm 20
3 Lnd 1erm 33
4 Croup AsslgnmenLs 10
3 Croup ro[ecL 13
Sesslon ueLalls
Sesslon number Sesslon LlLle / 8ecommended 1exL / LssenLlal 8eadlng

Sesslon 1 2
ntroduct|on to Market|ng |ann|ng
Case 1aLa MoLors 1he 1aLa Ace
Lssent|a| kead|ng Ch 4 8S Ch 2 kk!k
kecommended kead|ng
Chan klm 8enee Mauborgne CreaLlng new MarkeL Space" notvotJ 8osloess
L 8aymond Corey MarkeLlng SLraLegy An Cvervlew"
8oberL ! uolan Alvln ! Sllk MarkeLlng lannlng CrganlsaLlon"

Sesslon 3 4
-ew roduct Deve|opment
Case AMu A CusLomerCenLrlc Approach Lo lnnovaLlon
Lssent|a| kead|ng Ch 11 8S Ch 20 kk!k
kecommended kead|ng
!ohan Cronlund uavld 8onnberg S[odln !ohan lrlshammar Cpen lnnovaLlon
and Lhe SLageCaLe rocess A 8evlsed Model for new roducL uevelopmenL"

Sesslon 3 6
roduct Strategy 8rand
SLraLeglc porLfollo analysls
roducL Llfecycle ManagemenL
Lssent|a| kead|ng Ch 12 8S Ch 10 12 kk!k
kecommended kead|ng
u Aaker L !oachlmsLhaler 1he 8rand 8elaLlonshlp SpecLrum" ollfotolo
Moooqemeot kevlew 42 (4) Summer 2000 p 823

Sesslon 7 8
Case MeLablcal rlclng ackaglng and uemand lorecasLlng 8ecommendaLlons
for a new WelghL Loss urug
Lssent|a| kead|ng Ch 13 8S Ch 14 kk!k
kecommended kead|ng
Pow do you know when your prlce ls rlghL?" notvotJ 8osloess kevlew SepL
CcL 1993

Sesslon 9 10
D|str|but|on Channe| Strateg|es
Case unllever ln lndla PlndusLan Lever's ro[ecL ShakLl MarkeLlng lMCC Lo
Lhe 8ural Consumer
Lssent|a| kead|ng Ch 19 8S Ch 13 kk!k
kecommended kead|ng
CulaLl 8 and Carlno ! CeL Lhe rlghL mlx of 8rlcks and Cllcks" notvotJ
8osloess kevlew vol 78 lssue 3 p107114 May!une2000

Sesslon 11 12
MC Advert|s|ng Med|a
Lssent|a| kead|ng Ch 14 8S Ch 17 18 19 kk!k
Ass|gnment 18u
kecommended kead|ng
llnne A and Cronroos C 8eLhlnklng markeLlng communlcaLlon lrom
lnLegraLed markeLlng communlcaLlon Lo relaLlonshlp communlcaLlon" ootool of
Motketloq ommoolcotloos vol 13 nos 23 Aprll!uly 2009 179193

Sesslon 13 14
Sa|es romot|on
Case ClanL Consumer roducLs
kecommended kead|ng Ch 16 8S
8aghublr lnman ! ! Crande P 1he 1hree laces of Consumer romoLlons"
ollfotolo Moooqemeot kevlew Summer2004 vol 46 lssue 4 p2342

Sesslon 13 16
Susta|n|ng Va|ue
Lssent|a| kead|ng Ch 22 kk!k
kecommended 1he 8lghL Came uslng Came 1heory Lo Shape SLraLegy"
8randenburger nalebuff Parvard 8uslness 8evlew
roflL ools A lresh Look aL SLraLegy" CrlL Cadlesh !ames CllberL P88 1998

Sesslon 17 18

Demand Iorecast|ng
Case LL 8ean lnc lLem lorecasLlng and lnvenLory ManagemenL
Lssent|a| kead|ng Ch 9 8S Ch 3 4 kk!k
Ass|gnment 18u
Sesslon 19 20 SLudenL ro[ecL resenLaLlon

Croup ro[ecL SLudenLs' are expecLed Lo do comprehenslve pro[ecL reporL and a presenLaLlon on
challenges faced by markeLers ln a recesslonary economy/ lndusLry 1he course lnsLrucLors wlll lnform
Lhe sLudenLs Lhelr pro[ecL expecLaLlons Loplcs Lo be sLudled
1exL 8ook
8S 8a[an Saxena MarkeLlng ManagemenL 1hlrd LdlLlon
kk!k hlllp koLler Abraham koshy MlLhlleswar !ha kevln Lane keller MarkeLlng ManagemenL A
SouLh Aslan erspecLlve 13e

repared by ur Anshu !alora 8ecommended by Area Chalrperson/rog Chalrperson

SlgnaLure SlgnaLure

Approved 8y uean S8M


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