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Answers Lo 1radlng !

argon Came
Sllde number Answer
2 3 8llllon
3 Senlor 8ond Polders
4 n?SL nASuAC A8CA C8Sx
3 lalls
llxed lncome
7 1rue
8 ulscounL
9 Long 1erm raLes are lower Lhan shorL Lerm raLes
10 3 monLh 1reasury 8llls 3 MonLh Llbor
12 Slngapore uollar
13 8earlsh
14 SwlLzerland
13 1rlangular
17 SofL
18 Cold ls usually dellverable
19 lalse
20 8uy Lhe lndex and sell Lhe lndlvldual sLocks (and vlce versa)
22 Covered Call
23 uL
24 Seller
23 A CollaLerallzed uebL CbllgaLlon
1echnlcal CuesLlons
27 8eslsLance Level
28 laclng LlmlL Crders
29 1 and 3
30 Sell Lhe offer and hope Lo geL shorL
31 8uLLerfly Spread

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