Intro Activity

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Semlnar AcLlvlLy

W lllusLraLe an organlsaLlon LhaL you are famlllar

wlLh drawlng lL on Lhe paper provlded
8e prepared Lo presenL your organlsaLlon Lo Lhe
resL of Lhe class
relner's Lv" and 8ev"
W 3 key dlmenslons for bulldlng a model of
organlsaLlonal developmenL
Age of Lhe organlsaLlon
Slze of Lhe organlsaLlon
SLages of evoluLlon
SLages of revoluLlon
rowLh raLe of Lhe lndusLry
or nexL week
W 8efore nexL week ld llke you Lo read Lhrough
Lhe 2 arLlcles on organlsaLlonal growLh
W ?ou should analyse each research paper make
noLes of Lhe key aspecLs and Lhen compare and
conLrasL Lhe vlewpolnLs ln your own words 1hls
work should be added Lo your porLfollo of

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