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Nick Thompson Period A2 Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychologist and the founder of analytical psychology.

He wasnt the founder of dream psychology but did work with Freud on many of the elements within the field. Some of his concepts included the Archetype, Collective Unconscious. The Complex, and synchronicity. The MBTI was also developed based on many of Jungs principles. He was born in Thurgau in 1875, although he grew up primarily in kleinhuningen. His mother suffered from bouts of depression that would later shape Jungs ideas that women were innately unreliable. Jung was a introvert and from a very young age decided that he had two personalitys one of his current state (Swiss school boy), the other being of a great leader of the past. Jung went on to study medicine at the University of Basel, taking an interest in psychoses particularly. After his graduation he worked at a nearby mental hospital with noted psychologist Eugene Bleuler, who later coined the term schizophrenia. Jung continued to show interest in the supernatural writing his dissertation on The Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomenon in 1903. In 1906 he published Studies in Word Association, sending a copy to Sigmund Freud, beginning the association he is most famous for today. Their friendship continued for six years until Jung released his Psychology on the Unconscious, resulting in the end of the friendship. Jungs view on the unconscious was that the unconscious contained both good and bad and that understanding it would result in a better life. Freud on the other hand believed the unconscious to contain only bad memories or thoughts that must be banished for a healthy life. Jung held the belief that we must attain individualization, the journey to meet the self and eventually the divine. He developed this belief based on his studies of world religions. Jung believed that our spiritualization was essential to our mental well being. In 1944 Psychology and Alchemy was published in which Jung attempted to link alchemical symbols with the psychoanalytical process. He proposed that alchemy was actually a metaphor for transforming the impure soul (lead) to the perfect soul (gold). Although many of Jungs beliefs were slightly eclectic, Jungs research and publication helped modern understanding of the subconscious, as well as suggesting that spirituality was the cure for alcoholism, the same belief used today in many 12 step programs such as AA. Jung clearly influenced our understanding of the mind today.

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