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To Live with Power The study of sociology is focused on people, institutions and behavior.

It is about social interactions and social structures (Rob Whites (ed.). Controversies in Environmental Sociology. 2004, p. 2.). In that note you would really feel less in control with your life because the social interactions and social structures are just overwhelming. We have, for example, the four Filipino billionaires: Henry Sy ($5.8 billion);

Lucio Tan ($2.3 billion); Andrew Tan ($2.2 billion); Enrique Razon ($1.1 billion) (

And at the same time we have estimated 4.3 million families nationwide who experience hunger as reported by SWS in 2011. (

It would be unfortunate to say that these 4 billionaires are just greedy, in fact, I think, they are not at all greedy, they are just fortunate. The social interactions and social structures make them fortunate and the poor ones unfortunate. For me its terribly painful to see this situation wherein millions of people have nothing to eat, I mean, thats just ridiculous. Can we do something with it? Yes, we can, BUT. Sociology is also a study of the social potency of individual actors (Linda Woodhead, et al (ed). Peter Berger and the Study of Religion. 2001, p. 157.) It recognizes the power of individual person as the creative agent of cultural construction and re-construction (Woodhead, et al (ed). 2001, p. 157.) In doing sociology then one is invited to reflect and analyze intelligently what brought us in our present situations and to create other possibilities that will bring about improvements based on where we are right now to a better life situation. Sociology encourages us to dream. To have a dream that gives us hope and inspires us to continue to live and relate with one another with justice and care. Anthony Giddens, a prominent sociologist, says that the individuals are shaped by the culture and society and at the same time the individuals shape culture and society (Anthony Giddens. Sociology. 1989, p. 27). Peter Berger and Thoman Luckmann call it the dialectic between self and the social world (Peter L. Berger and Thoman Luckmann. 1967, p. 3.). It is no longer a question of who or what determines who or what, but a recognition of the phenomenon that the individuals determine the society and culture and that the society and culture determine the individuals. In this case, we need to recognize that we can have greater power to control and take care of ourselves and our surroundings. Peter L. Berger says that human being is out of balance with him[her]self. It means that to be a human person is a project in the making. Since it is a project in the making, it is then

up to us on how we want to live our lives. We need to recognize this simple and crucial point so that we could live our lives with self-determination and thus be more free. When we ignore this point, we live in ignorance that makes us live miserably. Michel Foucault talks in his lecture The Culture of the Self about our need to understand that we have to care for the self. He invites us to find new types and new kinds of relationship to oneself and to others (Michel Foucault: The Culture of the Self, University of California at Berkley Lectures-A

As Berger noted already that our nature as human beings is out of balance and if we allow ourselves to be determined by factors like cultural, political and environmental elements then we will live like zombies without mind and freewill. And Foucaults call to care for the self is just but a sane thing to do. I will end by saying that the deeper our religious faith and spirituality develop the more power we have in fighting and winning our battles and struggles in life and in finding our ultimate happiness. It should all begin with realizing that we truly truly need to take care of ourselves. By: Allan C. Leus (Ako ang nag-nose bleed sa pagsagot sa tanong mo. Treat mo ko cheese burger, ha?! hehe.)

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