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1eam Work LvaluaLlon lorm (1)

1hls form ls deslgned Lo help you raLe Lhe Leam members ln your class pro[ecL 8egln by wrlLlng
down your name and Lhe pro[ecL or Leam name use Lhe raLlng scale Lo evaluaLe your Leam
members agalnsL Lhe crlLerla deflned aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe page WrlLe raLlngs and add Lhem
LogeLher for each Leam member lncludlng yourself ln Lhe Lable below

?our name __________________________________________________

name of pro[ecL or Leam _______________________________________

Use the fo||ow|ng rat|ng sca|e to eva|uate your team members' behav|or |n each of the fo||ow|ng
cr|ter|a A through L

1 2 3 4 3
never SomeLlmes Many Llmes MosL of Lhe Llme Always

1eam Member
kat|ng Cr|ter|a
A 8 C D L 1ota|
1 ?ourself

Def|n|t|on of rat|ng categor|es
A CuallLy of 1echnlcal Work ls Lhe work correcL clear compleLe and relevanL Lo Lhe problem
under dlscusslon? Are equaLlons graphs and noLes clear and
8 AblllLy Lo CommunlcaLe uo you undersLand whaL's belng sald? Are you clearly heard? ls
Lhe Leam's dlrecLlon clear?
C AblllLy Lo rovlde Leadershlp uoes she/he Lake lnlLlaLe acLlvlLles make suggesLlons provlde
focus? ls he/she a sparkplug?
u CommlLmenL Lo 1eam
uoes she/he aLLend all meeLlngs? Arrlve prompLly? repared?
8eady Lo work?
L uemonsLraLed LffecLlveness Pas he/she done whaL's been promlsed? Could Lhls pro[ecL have
beneflLed from more (or less) of Lhls person's conLrlbuLlons?

use Lhe nexL page Lo wrlLe commenLs [usLlfylng your raLlngs

1eam Work LvaluaLlon lorm

1hls second slde of Lhe form provldes a place for you Lo wrlLe one or more paragraphs abouL Lhe
work of each member of Lhe Leam lncludlng your own 1hese narraLlves should ampllfy Lhe raLlngs
on Lhe oLher slde by
(1) ldenLlfylng Lhe sLrengLhs and weaknesses of each lndlvldual
(2) suggesLlng ways ln whlch hls/her work can be more effecLlve and
(3) suggesLlng ways ln whlch Lhe enLlre Leam's work could have been more effecLlve

leel free Lo aLLach addlLlonal pages

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