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CreaLed by ?

ogo wlLh help by

Class LS9
new 8orn
Cood mornlng everyone! My name ls 1rl ?ogo and l'm from LS9 8efore l
sLarL anyLhlng l wanna Lhank all Lhe Leacher LhaL have glven me Lhe
opporLunlLy agaln Lo sLand here before you all 1oday l'd llke Lo Lalk Lo you
abouL new born My presenLaLlon wlll be abouL 710 mlnuLes and l'd be glad
Lo answer any quesLlon ln Lhe end of my Lalk now l wlll begln
LeL's open !ohn 317 LeL me read lL
1here was a man of Lhe harlsees named nlcodemus a ruler of Lhe !ews

1hls man came Lo !esus by nlghL and sald Lo Plm 8abbl we know LhaL ?ou are
a Leacher come from Cod for no one can do Lhese slgns LhaL ?ou do unless
Cod ls wlLh hlm"
!esus answered and sald Lo hlm MosL assuredly l say Lo you unless one ls
born agaln he cannoL see Lhe klngdom of Cod"
nlcodemus sald Lo Plm Pow can a man be born when he ls old? Can he
enLer a second Llme lnLo hls moLher's womb and be born?"
!esus answered MosL assuredly l say Lo you unless one ls born of waLer
and Lhe SplrlL he cannoL enLer Lhe klngdom of Cod
1haL whlch ls born of Lhe
flesh ls flesh and LhaL whlch ls born of Lhe SplrlL ls splrlL
uo noL marvel LhaL l
sald Lo you '?ou musL be born agaln'
1he wlnd blows where lL wlshes and
you hear Lhe sound of lL buL cannoL Lell where lL comes from and where lL
goes So ls everyone who ls born of Lhe SplrlL"
Lord !esus ChrlsL whlle Lalklng Lo nlcodemus a harlsee and Lhe ruler of Lhe
!ews nlcodemus comes Lo !esus aL nlghL nlcodemus had quesLlons would be
asked Lo !esus And whlle Lhey're Lalklng !esus speak a very lmporLanL polnL aL
verse 3 whlch ls leL me read lL 'Iesos oosweteJ Most ossoteJly l soy to yoo
ooless ooe ls boto of wotet ooJ tbe 5pltlt be coooot eotet tbe kloqJom of CoJ'
lL means LhaL lf someone doesn'L newly born Lhey cannoL enLer Lhe klngdom
of Cod Cr ln oLher word LhaL only one LhaL newly born LhaL can enLer Lhe
klngdom of Cod
So why do we have o be newly born? LeL's open Lpheslans 213 LeL me read

And you e moJe ollve who were dead ln Lrespasses and slns
ln whlch you once walked accordlng Lo Lhe course of Lhls world accordlng Lo
Lhe prlnce of Lhe power of Lhe alr Lhe splrlL who now works ln Lhe sons of
among whom also we all once conducLed ourselves ln Lhe lusLs of our flesh
fulfllllng Lhe deslres of Lhe flesh and of Lhe mlnd and were by naLure chlldren
of wraLh [usL as Lhe oLhers
Cod say LhaL ln verse 1 LhaL we already dead ln Lrespasses and slns 8uL Cod
make us allve WhaL ls lL mean? lL mean LhaL we who already dead was born
agaln Lo allve And who make us allve? Cod hlmself So lf we wanLed Lo be
newly born we can ask Cod 8ecause lf we're noL newly born we can'L see Lhe
klngdom of Cod So newly born ls very lmporLanL And lL can only happened
wlLh our personal relaLlonshlp by Cod
now l came Lo Lhe end of my speech And before l close my prlechlng l wanL
Lo lnvlLe you all Lo born agaln ln Cod lf you are noL born agaln Lhere sLlll a
chance for you Lo born agaln 1hank you all for your aLLenLlon now are Lhere
any quesLlon?

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