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stops the chain of reactions that leads to high blood pressure Tackles overdrive of sympathetic nervous system This

antihypertensive re-sets the blood pressure control system centrally, while maintaining the patient's ability to lead an active life without the troublesome side effects like impotence, cold hands and feet, and the possible triggering of attacks of asthma or gout. controls sympathetic overdrive slowing down the revved-up nervous system Teat hypertension by acting at source and not vessels alone

1) Empowered sympathetic control 2) Benefits to the core 3) Calms the core with more 4) Regain the control 5) Restore the balance 6) when more is not enough 7) The smart sympatholytic 8) Ease stress without ditress 9) Sets sympathetic tone right 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) Novel sympatholytic Versatile Sympatholytic Check BP . Mate Risk Settles Sympathetic Tone Smart second line Sympatholytic Tighter control with metabolic safety Novel action with Metabolic Benefits The change they deserve

18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23)

Because so much more can be done Potent Second Line defense Delivers result that matters Tight control with metabolic safety Central action Peripheral protection

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