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resents 1h|ruvarangank

Jhat |s eat|ng d|sorder?

O LaLlng dlsorder refers Lo a group of condlLlons deflned by
abnorma| eat|ng hab|ts LhaL may lnvolve elLher
|nsuff|c|ent or excess|ve food |ntake Lo Lhe deLrlmenL of
an lndlvlduals physlcal and menLal healLh
Jhat are the common eat|ng d|sorders?
O Anorex|a nervosa
O 8u||m|a nervosa
O 8|nge eat|ng d|sorder
O N|ght eat|ng syndrome
O Compu|s|ve overeat|ng
O kum|nat|on
O |ca
Jho are most|y affected by LD?
OStat|st|cs show fema|es are much more
effected than ma|es
OAmong the sufferers teen and ado|escents are
O1he suffer|ng rat|o between women and men
|s 101
Anorex|a nervosa
O L ls Lhe 3
common chronlc lllness among adolescenLs
O 8efusal Lo malnLaln body welghL wlLhln a normal range
for helghL and age (more Lhan 13 below ldeal body
O An obsesslve fear of welghL galnlng
O Severe body lmage dlsLurbance ln whlch body lmage ls
Lhe predomlnanL measure of selfworLh wlLh denlal of Lhe
serlousness of Lhe lllness
O n posLmenarchal females absence of Lhe mensLrual
cycle or amenorrhea
S|gns and symptoms
8apld welghL loss
Cbsesslon wlLh calorles and faL conLenL
uleLlng desplLe belng Lhln or dangerously underwelghL
lear of galnlng welghL or becomlng overwelghL
May engage ln frequenL sLrenuous exerclse
ConsLanLly feellng cold
ury halr dry skln
lalnLlng bloaLlng
uepresslon may frequenLly be ln a sad leLharglc sLaLe
S|gns and symptoms
O k|tua|s cuLs food lnLo Llny pleces refuses Lo eaL around
oLhers hldes or dlscards food
O urg|ng uses laxaLlves dleL pllls lpecac syrup or waLer
O ConsLlpaLlon
O 8reasL aLrophy
O Swollen cheeks [olnLs
O PypoLenslon
O Weakness faLlgue
Anorexla mosL ofLen has
L's onseL ln adolescence
and ls mosL prevalenL ln
Adolescence glrls whlle
L can effecL men and
Women aL any age
8u||m|a nervosa
O L ls characLerlzed by resLralnlng of food lnLake for a
perlod of Llme followed by an over |ntake or blnglng
perlod LhaL resulLs ln feellngs of gullL and low self
O @he medlan age
of onseL ls 18
S|gns and symptoms
Chron|c gastr|c ref|ux after eat|ng ept|c u|cers
1he frequent contact between teeth and gastr|c
ac|d |n part|cu|ar may cause
denta| eros|on
the eros|on of tooth ename|
swo||en sa||vary g|ands
S|gns and symptoms
O Dehydrat|on and hypoka|em|a caused by frequent
O Mouth sores
O Musc|e cramps
O Ln|arged g|ands |n the neck under the [aw ||ne
O L|ectro|yte |mba|ance wh|ch can |ead to card|ac
arrhythm|a card|ac arrest and even death
O Gastropares|s or de|ayed empty|ng
O Irregu|ar per|ods and Infert|||ty
O Constant we|ght f|uctuat|ons
S|gns and symptoms
O Impu|s|v|ty
O Stea||ng
O A|coho| abuse
O Drugs]tobacco
O Jeakness
Lat|ng d|sorders not otherw|se spec|f|ed
O L can refer Lo a oombet of JlsotJets or any
comblootloo of eotloq JlsotJet bebovlots whlch do
noL dlrecLly puL Lhem ln a separaLe caLegory
O L can refer Lo a female who suffers from anorexla buL
sLlll has her perlod someone who may be aL a
healLhy welghL buL who has anorexlc LhoughL
paLLerns and behavlors
O L can mean Lhe sufferer equally parLlclpaLes ln some
anorexlc bullmlc behavlors
OL Cccurs ln 33 of women beLween Lhe ages
of 13 and 30 ln WesLern counLrles
8|nge eat|ng d|sorder (8LD)
W LaLlng large amounLs of food when noL feellng
physlcally or really hungry
W LaLlng unLll uncomforLably full
W LaLlng much more rapldly Lhan normal
W LaLlng alone because of embarrassmenL
W leellng dlsgusLed depressed or very gullLy on
W LaLlng when depressed or bored
W erlodlcally does noL exerclse conLrol over
consumpLlon of food
O8apld welghL galn and/or sudden onseL of
N|ght eat|ng syndrome
O L ls an emerglng eaLlng dlsorder whlch prlmarlly
caLegorlzes an ongolng perslsLenL paLLern of laLe
nlghL blnge eaLlng
O AlLhough lL can affecL all ages and boLh sexes lL ls
more common ln young women
Symptoms and behav|ors
Sklp breakfasL and go several hours afLer waklng before
Lhelr flrsL meal
Consume aL leasL 23 of Lhelr calorles afLer dlnner (afLer 9
or 10 pm almosL conslsL of carbohydraLes)
Lplsodes of sleepeaLlng can be repeaLed LhroughouL Lhe
nlghL wlLh many separaLe vlslLs Lo Lhe frldge or cupboard
Suffer from depresslon or anxleLy ofLen ln connecLlon wlLh
Lhelr eaLlng hablLs
@hese nlghL eaLlng eplsodes Lyplcally brlng gullL
@hey have Lrouble sleeplng ln general
OL lnvolves ln Lhe repeaLed ololess
teqotqltotloo of food followlng a meal whlch ls
Lhen elLher rechewed and reswallowed or
O L ls more common ln women (pregnanL) and
O L may be dangerous ln young chlldren or chlldren
wlLh auLlsm or anoLher menLal or developmenLal
On many cases lL ls a speclflc appeLlLe caused
by m|nera| def|c|ency
OSomeLlmes ls a resulL of ce||ac d|sease or
hookworm |nfect|on
OConsumpLlon of sLarch soll clay chalk glass
mucus lce wood paper wool urlne feces
OSelfcannlballsm (condlLlons are rare)
Onow lL ls caLegorlzed as a menLal dlsorder
Jhat are the causes for Lat|ng D|sorders?
- CeneLlc
- 8lochemlcal
- Soclal
- arenLal
- CulLural
Cummlns LP Lehman ! 2007 LaLlng ulsorders and
8ody mage Concerns ln Aslan Amerlcan Women
AssessmenL and @reaLmenL from a MulLlCulLural and
lemlnlsL erspecLlve 217230p
2LaLlng ulsorders Wlklpedla free encyclopedla
3Sundayobserver 20100808
1nANk CU

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