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Test Paper



1. Conjugati verbul to be (a fi) in limba Engleza la timpul prezent la afirmativ, negativ si 2. Scrieti articolul nehotarat, a sau an in fata fiecarui substantiv din urmatoarele:
cat, .... elephant, bear, atlas, dog, umbrella.

3. Completati cu pronumele demonstrativ de apropiere, this sau cu cel de departare, that:

........... is a car. It is here. ... is his father. He is here. is her tortoise. He is there. is their house. It is near. is my camera. It is far.

4. Scrieti urmatoarele numere in limba Engleza:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 25, 30, 100.

5. Traduceti din Engleza in Romana urmatoarele cuvinte si fraze:

chair = pen= fish= blue= Its great to be here! = Excuse me. Whats your name? = Hello. Im Tony. Welcome to Romania. = table= book= dog= red= apple= tortoise= yellow= white=

6. Completati cu pronumele posesive my, your, his sau her.

George has got a cat. She is . cat. You have a dog. He is . dog. I have got a dictionary. It is .. dictionary. Andreea has got a pen. It is .. pen.

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