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and Vocabulary Quiz

Story vocab:
2 ******5ang
3 ******taunt
4 ******2enacing
5 ******e25atically
6 ******2isa5
7 ******reverently

A $udden sar5 Ieeling oI 5ain
B $ows dee5 onor, res5ectIully
C $owing strong dislike
D nsulting re2ark
E &nIortunate accident
F ForceIully
G %reatening, dangerous
reek and Latin
2 *****2icro
3 *****5one
4 *****sco5e
5 *****tele

A sound
B see
C s2all
D 2easure
E Iar
Story Questions
o is te 5rotagonist in tis story?

2 at does Mary do to el5 Jean?

3 at does Jean`s 2o2 do to el5 Jean?

4 y does Jean ave trouble 2aking Iriends at er new scool?

5 ow does Jean urt er knee?

6 at do you tink te te2e oI tis story is? ($tate your idea oI wat te te2e is in one
sentence, and ex5lain tat idea wit a second sentence

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