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Accordlng Lo uaLamonlLor ouLsourced loglsLlcs aL [usL above onequarLer of Lhe enLlre $90 bllllon

lndlan loglsLlcs markeL ls slaLed Lo grow aL a compound annual growLh raLe (CAC8) of over 16
from 200710
5ootce uoto mooltot
Are Lhere oLher facLors LhaL are crlLlcal Lo Lhe success of 3L loglsLlc lndusLry?
Dpgrade of Lrucks by exlsLlng servlce provlders
1ruck owners wlLh large fleeL of Lrucks under managemenL helplng achleve economles of
lnfrasLrucLure congesLlon Lhe key challenge

Accordlng Lo uaLamonlLor Lhe loglsLlcs lndusLry ln lndla ls currenLly hampered due Lo poor
lnfrasLrucLure such as roads (over 70 of frelghL LransporLaLlon ln lndla ls vla roads)
communlcaLlon porLs and complex regulaLory sLrucLures

1he naLlonal Plghways (nP) form only 2 of Lhe enLlre road neLwork ln lndla buL handle over 40
of Lhe naLlonal road frelghL Lrafflc puLLlng enormous pressure on Lhe hlghway lnfrasLrucLure Also
on an average a commerclal vehlcle ln lndla runs aL a speed of 20 mlles per hour (mph) compared Lo
over 60 mph ln Lhe maLure loglsLlcs markeLs of WesLern Lurope and Lhe DA

ln addlLlon Lhe Lwelve ma[or porLs of lndla handle volumes hlgher Lhan Lhelr full capaclLy resulLlng
ln preberLhlng delays and longer shlp Lurnaround Llme compared Lo even Lhe LasL Aslan
counLerparLs llke Chlna and ouLh korea

LlmlLed lnformaLlon on breakup of revenue 1he memorandum documenL does noL provlde
a clear breakup of Lhe revenue for Lhe company An undersLandlng of Lhe presenL dlvlslon of
revenues beLween Lhe flrms ma[or cusLomer wlll help ascerLaln Lhe growLh pro[ecLlons LhaL
Lhe flrm has forecasLed
key value proposlLlon key value proposlLlon would provlde for a beLLer undersLandlng of
whaL dlsLlngulshes Lhe flrm from lLs peers 1hls compeLlLlve advanLage for Lhe flrm wlll help
reLaln cusLomers and provlde a dlsLlncL proposlLlon for Lhe flrm as compared Lo lLs peers

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