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Martin Erazo 27/10/2011 10th Grade Leader Essay

Ernesto Guevara, mostly known as Che Guevara was born in Rosario-Argentina in June 14 of 1928, and died in Bolivia in October 9 of 1967. He was a politician, writer, periodist, and also a doctor. He was a leader because he was one of the most important commanders of the Movimiento 26 de Julio, which lead the Cuban revolution that overpowered the dictator Fulgencio Batista. I think he is a leader because he is a figure that ignited a great passion in public opinion. He is a symbol of revolution, he represents the fight against social injustice and the rebellion of an incorruptible spirit while he is seen as a criminal by the opposition. Also his leadership was made up because Ernesto was a person that was not afraid about expressing his ideals by making changes in an oppressed society that since this days still fighting trying to emulate the ideologies that this revolutionary leader gave. He is similar to the time traveler in the book The Time Machine in very few ways because this character makes very impulsive decisions without taking care about anyones opinion, while in the other hand Che makes his decisions thinking about the people around him. But something they have in common is that they fight for what they think, no matter how much is the opposition power. Ernesto Che Guevara, revolutionary man that overcame the corruption of a nation with some bravery and conviction, thinking always in victory and fighting to death for his ideals, and he never gave up and his message will never die and his leadership inspired many people to do many important things.

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