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O Make your best eIIort to show up to meetings. InIorm team members as soon as possible iI you`re
unable to attend prior to the meeting.
O Come prepared to the meetings so that you`re able to contribute.
O Our team will try to meet once a week.
O Jonathan will prepare an agenda Ior each meeting to maintain Iocus on speciIic topics.
O All technology use will be limited to team tasks with the exception oI a personal emergency.
O Be open with each other and voice concerns.
O The goal oI the team is to support each other and provide honest Ieedback.
O Input is expected Irom each team member during a meeting.
O II a decision cannot be unanimously agreed upon, a majority vote will be used.
O Win as a team, lose as a team.
O Meetings will be held at a location oI mutual convenience.
O Each team member should make every eIIort to respond to a members request and/or
communication in a timely Iashion.
O II a team member needs a response in a certain time Irame they should create a deadline.
O Each team member will only commit to what they are capable oI doing. Similarly they should
inIorm the team iI they are unable to carry out the tasks assigned.

Consequences Ior rule inIractions:
O First inIraction: verbal warning
O Second inIraction: written warning
O Third inIraction: report issues to proIessor

Oliver Howes Peggy Lockhart Christopher Martin

Allisa GriIIith Jonathan Roberts

Addendum to 1eam Contract (10]18]2011)
O 1eam Leader wlll be deslgnaLed for each pro[ecL LhaL requlres full Leam parLlclpaLlon
4 1eam leader wlll flrsL be fllled on volunLeer basls lf no leader emerges Lhen poslLlon wlll
be asslgned by Leam consensus
O 1he deslgnaLed 1eam Leader wlll be charged wlLh provldlng each Leam member wlLh
dellverables followlng up on Lhese dellverables and dlrecLlng Lhe Leam ln a falr and honesL
O L Lhe concluslon of each pro[ecL Lhe Leam wlll offer feedback on Lhe 1eam Leader and
Lhemselves by conducLlng a +/A survey ln Lhree caLegorles
4 1eam leader proflclency
4 1eam proflclency
4 1eam performance vs 1eam acLlon plan
O L Lhe concluslon of each semesLer a meeLlng wlll be held so LhaL Lhe 1eam and lndlvldual
cLlon lans can be reevaluaLed Lo ensure progress ln leadershlp developmenL

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