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The Principles of Neuro - Arts Education (Abstract)

By: Dr. Rick Garner, Dorothy Holmes

Brain-based approaches to education began to emerge in the later 20th century. These combinations of neuroscience and education have continued to perpetuate in the first decade of the 21st century, most recently with John Hopkins University School of Educations Neuro-Education Initiative. This development was seemingly logical as our understanding of the brain and learning advanced from its behavioral and cognitive roots. Neuroscience and the arts also began to intertwine during this time period. This paper will critique the various brain-based educational approaches and discuss their relevance to arts education settings. A significant problem still exists with the union of neuroscience, education, and the arts. This is the problem of application in the arts education classroom. Neuro-arts education addresses this critical deficit by presenting a set of guiding principles that transcend the gap between research and practical application. This discussion of the neuro-arts education principles will bring some commonsense to this issue, creating a neuroscience-based approach that is art classroom-friendly. Ultimately, several principles of neuro-arts education will be posited and supporting research presented.

Keywords: Neuro-Education, Brain-based Education, Neuroscience and Education, Education, Neuro-Arts Education, Art Education

Dr. Rick Garner

Professor, Department of Art Education, Kennesaw State University Kennesaw, GA, USA Dr. Garner has a background in clinical and educational applications of the visual arts, holding diplomas in studio art, neuropsychology, art education, and art therapy. He has explored the relationships of brain function and art for nearly 20 years. His current research interests involve relationships between neuroscience, art education, and disabilities. Research and application of his work has involved both students and adults with disabilities. His latest work explores practical application of neuro-arts education in education and arts in medicine settings.

Dorothy Holmes
Art Education Research Assistant, Kennesaw State University Kennesaw, GA, USA Ms. Holmes works as a research assistant in the Department of Art Education at Kennesaw State University. Her work focuses on the relationships of brain function, the visual arts, and child development.

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