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LlsL of unlverslLles [usL Lhe publlc should be consldered?

8eLrleved from hLLp//enwlklpedlaorg/wlkl/LlsL_of_unlverslLles_and_colleges_ln_Slngapore

a) naLlonal unlverslLy of Slngapore (nuS)

b) nanyang 1echnologlcal unlverslLy (n1u)

c) Slngapore lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology (Sl1)


a) naLure SocleLy (Slngapore) nCC hLLp//wwwnssorgsg/
b) Agrllood veLerlnary SocleLy (auLhorlLy of slngapore)
c) SouLheasL Aslan archaeology! (assoclaLlon)
d) Aslan ClvlllsaLlon Museum (naLlonal archeologlcal socleLy)
e) naLlonal LnvlronmenL Agency MlnlsLry of Lhe LnvlronmenL and WaLer 8esources ln
Slngapore hLLp//wwwneagovsg
f) Lnergy CarLa nonproflL organlzaLlon hLLp//wwwenergycarLaorg/

Genome Institute of Singapore is taking the lead in cataloguing Asians' genetic diversity as the founding partner of
HUGO's Pan-Asian SNP nitiative.
Novartis Institute of Tropical Diseases (NITD) is partnering two ndonesian organizations, the Eijkman Institute and
Hasanuddin University, to work on dengue and tuberculosis in Singapore. To enhance its drug development capabilities
in Asia, AstraZeneca is collaborating with National Cancer Centre Singapore and National University Hospital (NUH)

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